You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

The Battle of the Bug
August 17, 2001 - 12:59 a.m.

There is a scary bug flying around my house right now. It's redish-brown (which can't be good), and it's HUGE; about a square inch. It has huge wings, and huge legs that extend from its ass for two inches. I think it might be able to bite me or something of the like.

When I went in the bathroom to take out my contacts, it was in there, flying into the mirror stupidly. I was never this afraid of bugs before the spider incident, but that experience would scare anyone for life. Well, I locked the bug in the bathroom only to realize that I had to piss badly, and I still had my contacts in. It took some courage, but I eventually faced the inevitable. I opened the bathroom door. Two minutes later, I took out my contacts and peed. When I was done, I was so ready to lock that fucker back in there. I turned off the light in the room my puter is in and turned on the light to the bathroom, thinking the light would attract the bug, but nooooooo. It wouldn't fall for my trap. I just hope it hasn't found its way into my room, or I'm not getting much sleep tonight.

Jerry called me a wuss for being scared of the bug... numerous times. That did not help the situation. Neither did sitting in a pitch-dark room waiting for a bug to fly into a bathroom. I suddenly was afraid of the boogy man and ghosts.

I'm off to bed now. Wish me luck. Ta! ~BOB

P.S. I wasn't serious about the boogy man thing.

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.