You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

How Many Times Do I Have to Say I Saw YELLOWCARD?
November 17, 2003 - 1:08 a.m.

good golly.. it's been a week. That's a bit extreme. It's not like I've been whisked off my feet by the love of my life or anything. I was mostly just busy with school until this weekend.

Thiiiiis weekend I went to Monterey to visit Jenny, Amy, and Rachel. It was good times. The drive there, on the other hand, was not. There was a big accident that blocked the entire freeway, and I was literally stopped and not moving at all for two hours. GAH! Luckily the drive back tonight was smooth sailing, but I think my car hates me at the time being. I'd gladly give her a rest.. ahem.. after we go to the elementary school tomorrow morning.

I'm officially a Yellowcard junkie. Last night made my third time seeing them in three months. They never fail to entertain, lemme tell ya. They didn't even play a spectacular set last night (no Only One, Cigarette, Rough Draft, or One Year, Six Months. And they NEVER play Rocket or View from Heaven, which makes me sad), but it was still an amazing show. I'm always able to forget all the people around me and just enjoy the wonderfulness that is Yellowcard. AND I finally got the balls to stay after and try to meet them last night. LP was the only one who came out to autograph and what-not, and I asked him if I could get a picture, and I did :oD I can't wait to develop the film, but I still have 18 pictures on it.. arg. I have such a build up of pictures to scan when I get home. Yellowcard, Soco, and more Yellowcard. It'll just be a picture fiesta! Get your sombreros ready!

Oh, by the way, I posted pictures of my Something Corporate collage on my livejournal for anyone who is interested. You can also find the set list for the latest YC show there.

I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving break. I have two midterms and a quiz this week. Next week will be a nice breath of fresh air. Plus, once Thanksgiving is over it's time to get in the Christmas spirit. Weeee. I love Christmas time. I'm overly eager for it this year too for some reason. I can't believe it's already almost 2004. This year has flown by. No new years kisses for me this year or ever again, thanx. I'm cursed.

Andrew has yet to respond to my email about downgrading to gold. I'm pissed. I'm considering getting a paid membership at livejournal instead. That would mean I totally turned to the other side, huh? Hmmm.... But ooooh the multiple icons!

Yeah, so I hafta be awake in less than seven and a half hours. Perhaps I should end this. Now. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.