You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

I Saw Yellowcard AGAIN!
October 31, 2003 - 1:13 p.m.

Happy Halloween! How did my body decide to celebrate? By getting sick. Ugh. I feel post nasal drippy. I'm almost hoping it's allergies, but I know better. I just had bronchitis for five weeks, can I have more than a two week break please?

I am a tad delayed in writing about the Yellowcard show on Wednesday, but you know how hellish Thursday can be. I thought the show was going to be at a boardwalk, since the venue was called "The Boardwalk", but I was mistaken. Apparently "The Boardwalk" is a tiny bar/club in Orangevale. Joe thought it was very ghetto. It was small and personal, which is what I like when I'm seeing Yellowcard :o) We got there at 7:15, and the show didn't start till 8:00. We found a spot waaay over to the left and very close so we could see the bands, but not get in the moshpits. It served very well throughout the show. Before the show started, I bought a button, sticker, and belly button barbell. I think it glows in the dark, but I'm not entirely sure. It looks good, regardless, and it says YC on it, so it is inevitably cool.

The first band was Reeve Oliver. Joe and I automatically found the drummer adorable. They played really well, and I wanted to buy their cd, but they were sold out. Poo. The lead singer's family was there, including many tiny siblings. They all had Reeve Oliver shirts on. It was cute. Ryan from Yellowcard was taking a video of them playing, so I got some pictures of that, and ooo.. I'm in the video! ha. Anyfuck, that's definitely a band I'm gonna hafta look into.

Next was Saosin, which was not my kinda music. The lead singer held the mic weird and flailed about like a dolphin in heat. Oh, and you couldn't hear a word he "sang" (I'm purdy sure it was screaming). I didn't take any pictures of them because they were not worthy of my Yellowcard film.. haha.

It took FOREVER (longest set change ever), but Yellowcard finally came on. They played a great set, and they joked around a lot more than the last time I saw them. Ryan seemed a little cynical about all the teenyboppers there (there were like five times as many as the last time I saw them in August!). It got really hot, and Ryan and Sean both took off their shirts (and although I was not screaming like the teenies, I must say... yum). The girls just screeched like crazy when Sean took his off, and Ryan was rolling his eyes and going, "Oh puh-lease." After they calmed down he said, "Ok, now that we're done looking at Justin Timberlake, let's play some music..."

The funniest part was when Ryan was flexing his arms, and he was like, "Did you all bring rats? We're gonna need some rats to FEED MY FUCKING PYTHONS!" Ah, man, it was great.

You can find the set list at my lj. It wasn't as good of a set as when I saw them last time (no Rought Draft), but they played One Year, Six Months, which I love, and they played Inside Out for the first (and they implied only) time live.

I'm turning into such a Yellowcard addict, I swear. I'm most likely going to Monterey for the weekend of the 15th because they're playing in Santa Cruz that Saturday. I'm looking forward to it already :o)

I went to see my advisor today and found out I'm technically gonna be a junior next semester. That's purdy damn crazy. I get to take upper division classes as a result. Woo fun.

I think I'm gonna go get my film developed now. I won't post the pictures for awhile, though, because I'm not at home and therefore don't have access to a scanner. It is sad but true. I don't know how good they're gonna be anyway.. too many teenybopper heads were obstructing my vision. Albertson's half hour photo, here I come! Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.