You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

This Song is Only Wishful Thinking
October 28, 2003 - 5:24 p.m.

I realized a few minutes ago that I had comments in my tattoo entry that I had not received emails about. I thought maybe it was because I've been a little happy with the "filters" option on the diaryland webmail account lately and have been adding words to filter right and left. Then I went back and looked at the list, and I really don't think any of these words would be in an email from Andrew telling me I got a comment: debt, money, men, women, medicine, prescription, enlargement, wet, cash, truth, job, miracle, viagra, penis, rx, lowest, cheap, doctor, loans, finance, visa, afford, miss, medication, vicodin, pills.

Haha.. c'mon googlers.. hit me with your best shot!

As I mentioned in my lj, I bought the punk goes acoustic compilation cd this weekend, and it's soooo good. I'm listening to the acoustic version of Letters to You by Finch, which is one of my favorites on the cd. Firewater by Yellowcard is my favorite, though, naturally. Next would be Cute Without the E by Taking Back Sunday. I haven't been able to get that song out of my head for the last 24 hours.

Speaking of Yellowcard, I'm seeing them tomorrow. Weeeeeeeee! I hafta do all my homework for tomorrow and Thursday tonight, but that's ok. It will definitely be worth it. I also hafta call Joe tonight and remind him.. haha.

I finished reading 1984. It was depressing, but very good. I also started reading Animal Farm again because I love that book so. After I finish this one (which shouldn't take long cuz it's a tiny book), I think I'll finally start on the fifth Harry Potter book. I read two chapters during the summer, but it's such a huge project it intimidates me!

I also have a Dave Barry book waiting for me, and I bought Catcher in the Rye with hopes of re-reading it this summer. It's time for me to be a learned individual who reads in her spare time, dammit! Enough of this going online all the time nonsense.

I didn't make Diaryland Survivor :o( I'm disappointed, but when I realized one of the judges was a friend of Charlie's this weekend, my hopes weren't up very high. I know it's only one judge, but that's the way my optimism works. It is so easily deteriorated.

My tattoo has been itching lately, and it's scabbing over. When I put on the diaper rash ointment, big black chunks fall off. It's gross. It's supposed to scab over though, so I'm taking it as a good sign. I'm sick of putting my hair in pigtails already, so I hope it heals soon. It's such a power struggle to keep myself from scratching the back of my neck!

That's all for now. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.