You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Work Rants and What-Not
July 28, 2003 - 1:10 a.m.

Listening to Jason Mraz makes me wanna sing. I've only been out of choir class for two months, and I'm already craving the almost-daily-singing. I don't know what I'm gonna do for the next four years without choir classes. I sing in my car, but that's not enough. I'm not confident enough to be one of those people who just walk around singing all the time. It is all quite frustrating. Having a passion for something like that is just.. hard to explain.

Work has been purdy much taking over my life. Yeah, I only work five or six hours a day, but they're usually in the middle of the day or affect my sleeping patterns somehow. If I'm working during a given day, I hafta consider that in all my plans for the day. I know this is normal, but it's not something I'm used to. I don't have a set schedule, so I'm always completely confused about what day of the week it is. I have a nice employee discount, but I can't stand to go to that store on my days off. Plus I don't have the time to get artsy fartsy anymore anyway. Don't get me wrong; I like my job a lot. Most of the people I work with are incredibly cool, and something about working a cash register and its simplicity is.. I dunno... enjoyable? I dunno if I'd go that far, but it's definitely better than scanning personnel files for the school district. God I hated that job. I actually like having something to keep me busy and not allow my mind to dwell over pointless stuff. Plus I actually have three days off this week as opposed to the usual two. Yay! Oh yeah, and having money is a good thing too. It would be nice if I had an additional $116 that someone of the ex-boyfriend variety owes me though.

I was scratching my knuckle a few minutes ago, and now there's a big bump on it. That's kinda scary.

I'm slightly disappointed that I missed the art and wine festival this weekend because I had to work both days. My mom bought me a cute little kitty purse there that I'll use on little outings when I don't need everything in my purse. I don't so much miss the booths; I just miss the chinese chicken salad and frozen lemonade. Mmmmmm.

There's a certain person I've been thinking about a lot lately, but I haven't really made it too obvious to him. We only talk every once in awhile, and I wish we talked more. I find it somewhat annoying how I move from crush to crush, and I always have to be fixated on someone. I guess it doesn't really hurt anybody though, and those who I do become emotionally involved with are special to me in a specific way usually. I don't think I'm the kinda person who just crushes to crush. I'm a legitimate crusher. Yes, that sounds about right. I think it's because anyone who I have any sort of feelings for has the potential to turn into something serious as a result of my being such a hopeless romantic.

I've spent my last three evenings in a row watching Sex and the City with Joe. Friday night we also got Thai food, and last night we also got Jones Soda. Tonight we watched it at my house instead of his and my mom joined us. In fact my dad watched the first three episodes of the six we watched too. (Yes, we watched six episodes. It's amazing how quickly they fly by. Believe me.) It was a tad awkward watching people talk about blow jobs in detail with my parents in the room, and the episode about threesomes was a little weird too, but I think we all managed just fine.

Oh lord, I am gonna get some odd google hits for that paragraph. Oh well. There's no stopping them now, I get at least one or two hits a day from searches for the infamous "vagina pictures" or different variations thereof. Now that I've mentioned it again, I'll probably get even more :::sigh::: I thought it was funny at first, but now it's just annoying. I've brought it up too many times now to edit it out anyway. Ugh.

Enough babbling for one night. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.