You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Weather, Interview, Vacuum, Guestmap
March 4, 2003 - 7:35 p.m.

The wind is like a fricken tornado outside.. it's scary. Have I mentioned how much I hate the weather here? Well I do. You look outside and see sun and think it's a nice day. Then you step outside and freeze your ass off. That happens half the time. The other half the time it's cloudy and/or rainy. Monterey weather can kiss my arse.

Today I had the interview, but I cancelled it an hour before it happened. I realized I really didn't want the job cuz it's just not convenient right now. I like my schedule the way it is, and the only time I'd wanna work would be on the weekend. I'm gonna be in Newark for the weekends all through March, so there's no point in getting a job.

Amy and I decided we were gonna clean our room today because the carpet hasn't been vacuumed in over three months, and it's getting purdy gross. Plus the sink in the bathroom is just a mess. The only problem is that we can't find a vacuum. Our building no longer has any to loan cuz all the stupid people in our building weren't responsible enough to return the vacuums. Jenny has a vacuum, but it's a tiny thing that has a filter instead of a bag, and it doesn't pick much up. I'd hafta empty the filter every two feet with the condition of our floor. So the search is on for a vacuum. Cue Mission Impossible theme.

Today's my sister's birthday. I was talking to her online, and she told me my grandma's planning on calling me tonight cuz she'll be in Arizona during my birthday. She hasn't called yet, and right now would be the perfect time since no one's in the dorm. (In other words, she won't getta hear Amy yelling, "FUCK!" like last time I was on the phone with her in the dorm.) I hope she doesn't call during American Idol. Oh geez, I'm such a junkie it's sad.

I have developed another unhealthy addiction to another game. This time it's simpler, but challenging, and still rather sad. Try it. My best score is 1705.

Oh, I almost forgot! I added a guestmap on the side. Please plot yourself! I wanna know where people are. You don't even hafta put your name for all I care. I'm not asking you to sign a guestbook here (since any readers I have seem unable to do that...), it's much more fun. Dooooo it!

I'm gonna go rest cuz I'm tiiiired. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.