You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Emotional Venting
August 13, 2001 - 11:58 p.m.

I haven't written in awhile. I just haven't had the motivation for some reason. Probably because I've been spending so much time at diaryland, it feels like I've written, even though I haven't. I became a gold member this weekend, and I've been enjoying the benefits perhaps a little too much.

Plus I'm lazy.

Things have been going differently since my last entry. Yesterday Joe and I went to meet Jeremy in SF. We saw a movie at the castro that was purdy good. It was fun. Lately we've been noticing that Lucky hasn't been himself (once again). He hasn't been eating, so my mom took him to the vet today. The vet said it was probably just his antibiotic, gave her an appetite stimulant for him, and told her to bring him back if he isn't eating by Wednesday. Well, Lucky threw up the appetite stimulant, which isn't a good sign. My mom's talking about having him put to sleep if he's not better by Wednesday. I, of course, am not keen on the idea. It would be so pointless to put him to sleep after all the money my parents have spent on him in the last month. He could just have a flu or something! But as usual, it's not my decision.

I am so emotional right now (that time of month). I'm worrying about my cat, Spacemuppet's latest entry almost made me cry, and I'm feeling helplessly single once again. Jenny and I went guy searching at Albertson's and the movies (we saw American Pie 2) tonight. We saw many a hot guy, but I always get disappointed after I see hot guys cuz, well, I just saw them. That was all. It seems like all my friends are getting significant others (besides Jenny... we are single together), and I'm just... lonely.

The other day I saw the little envelope my school pictures were in last year. I thought about how I wouldn't be getting one like that this year since senior pictures are different and all. I suddenly came to the realization that that was the last envelope of its type I'm going to encounter for years.. until I have kids of my own... when I've been seeing those envelopes at least once a year. They're just a way of life to me, and now they're gone. I'm not emotionally attached to envelopes here, my point is that this was one of the first times it hit me like a brick that I'm growing up, and in less than a year I'll be legally considered an adult. In a little over a year, I'll be moving out of my home of 17 years and will be on my own, in a way. That kinda creeped me out. It's odd how an envelope will do that to you.

"Heart is on the floor.. why don't you step on it? When I think of all the things you've done..." ~Saves the Day

I think I shall end this depressing entry. I'll try to be more happy in my next one. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.