You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Cryin' Fool
August 11, 2001 - 12:17 a.m.

Advice for emotional women: When you're PMSing, do not go to a funeral or a memorial service.

Yeah, so today was the memorial service for Keith's dad. I cried like a baby even though I didn't know the man. Everything got me! The song they played that he liked, the poems his children wrote, the tiny little things like his love for jalepenos. The tears just kept a-comin'. And to think I was afraid I'd be the only person not crying...

It just amazed me how much love all these people had for a man who died so unexpectedly. He worked at some place in Fremont and was a lot of people's boss. These people adored him and came to the memorial service. A lot of them were wearing hawaiian shirts cuz he liked to wear them. I found everything so touching. I suppose I might have felt differently if it wasn't most likely the time of the month when I'm most sensitive, but you never know. It made me want to be a good person so I would have such an excellent turn out at my funeral. That may sound kinda vain, but it's true. I'd love to have a great impression on as many people's lives as he did.

That reminds me, if anyone who's reading this happens to be alive when I die. Please, please, please do NOT have any religious crap in my funeral. No praying please. That stuff makes me soooooooo incredibly uncomfortable. Especially since it felt like I was the only person in the entire room who didn't know the lord's prayer, or whatever it's called. Sorry if that offended anyone.

I got rather sick on the way home because of my aunt's driving. She does this thing where she speeds up REALLY fast, and then lets it slow back down.... then she speeds up REALLy fast, and then lets it slow back down. This may seem kinda fun and roller-coaster like (maybe a really tame roller coaster), but after you're on the freeway for an hour with this, it becomes rather sickening.

Joe invited he and Jennifer over when I got home (he has a knack for doing that), and I helped them with the html on their diaries. I am rather stupid when it comes to html, but they thought I was typing in a foreign language when I was helping them. That made me feel special, but I know my html skills are very crappy anyway. If anyone would like to see the results, you can click here or here.

I suppose that concludes my eventful day. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.