You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Tuesday Sucks
December 10, 2002 - 11:33 a.m.

How is it only Tuesday? Anyone? Anyone? Does this week seem to be creeping by to anyone else? It's probably just because I want the next weeek and a half to be over with so I can go home. I guess I should stop complaining, though, because I still have purdy much nothing done as far as the ten page research paper goes. If time was moving faster, I'd be purdy screwed.

Would you like to hear why Laura's a dumbass? Well you're gonna! Today is the fourth (count em, four!) day of my period. I've been taking motrin religiously whenever I feel a little crampy. This morning it suddenly dawned on me that my gynocologist gave me prescriptioned drugs to take for cramps. Stupid, stupid, stupid. This stuff says not to operate machinery, and you hafta take it with food. I mean, c'mon, that's gotta be effective! And I forgot about it until the FOURTH day of my period. Ugh!

I really hate Tuesdays and Thursdays. I don't getta eat much food on those days. Today I decided to sleep in rather than get a good breakfast, so I won't have anything to eat besides a donut and crackers until about five o'clock. Bah. Too many classes too close together. And my ASL class irks me to no end. I can't wait till that class is over with, and I don't hafta deal with my teacher anymore. Next semester I get the good teacher! Yay!

Today I hafta turn in the book I borrowed from CSU Long Beach for my research. I still kinda need parts of the book, so the copy machine will be my friend. And to think when I got the book I thought, "oh, I'll have my research paper all done by December 10th..." hahahhahahahha :::breath::: hahahahhaha. Oy, that was a good one.

Well I best end this now cuz I hafta go to the dreaded ASL class in 20 mins. Poop. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.