You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Trendy Shirts
March 26, 2001 - 07:14 p.m.

Howdy. Long time, no write. I, once again, haven't been in the mood for some reason. I'd rather not go over the last few days in extreme detail though, that just bores me sometimes. However, to keep my dedicated readers (judging from how many emails I got in response to my begging in the last entry, there is only ONE dedicated reader :::sniffles:::) updated, I did go to SF yesterday, and I had a purdy good time. I even bought a new cd. Oh, and I got high off of all the cologne Joe made me smell. (He needed a "new scent".)

Ooo.. yay! The desktop theme I was dling just finished. Ah, it's the return of the cheap thrills!

Anyfuck, today kinda sucked. I think Monday and I have a mutual understanding that we don't like each other. However, I will focus on the high points of my day cuz I'm trying to be in a good mood right now. (I'm really moody today... I think it's that PMDD kickin in...)

In math I actually called out a correct answer. I know this sounds like nothing to most readers, but ever since.. uh.. algebra I've kinda sucked at math. Yeah, I manage a C in the class (by some great miracle I have yet to understand), but I have no skill in the subject anymore. This is why I'm not taking Calculus next year. Anycrap, my point was that I guessed an answer when no one else knew it, and I guessed right and Mr. Paula (quite shocked) acknowledged it. Do you think that makes up for the fact that I didn't understand tonight's hw and therefore didn't do it?

I dunno if I mentioned this before, but in ASL we're signing songs in groups. My group is doing Papa Don't Preach by Madonna. Fun shit! We need practice, but we're getting better and better. I think I musta listened to that song ten times today.

Today during lunch I went to talk to Ms. Savian about drawing Clau and me, and she said she's gonna paint us on Wednesday during lunch. She already drew me on Friday and Clau during class today. She also invited us to go to a pizza party on Thursday during lunch for the masters students. We're stupid lil beginning students who can't draw worth shit and we getta eat lunch with masters. Bahahahahhahaha! She said, "Maybe you can become a masters student eventually." I was thinking yeah, but I suck....

Ahhhh.. I love this theme!

Ok, I feel my entries have been purdy boring lately.. just summarizing my day and what-not, so I'm gonna add some of my peanut gallery-ness to this entry. I'm gonna comment on the latest trendy shirts. Y'know, the skin-tight ones all the chicks are wearing that just have one lil phrase on em. For some reason they think they're clever by buying these shirts when half a billion other girls wear the same shirts. Could someone please explain this to me? I don't quite understand what would make someone think that their "Princess" shirt differentiates them from other trendy hos. Let's go over the various stupid phrases now:

Angel: Has anyone else noticed that some of the people wearing these shirts are the most slutty? When they're stating they're an angel, who are they trying to convince, us or themselves?

Spoiled: Is that really something to be proud of? I think being spoiled (and proud) brings a selfish hint to your personality. Or are guys going for selfish these days? That must be my problem...

"Boys Cheat", "Boys Lie", "Better than a Boy", all those other seemingly sexist shirts: Oh yes, girls, that's how to get a guy. Wear a shirt that says you hate them. And why does it always seem like these are the girls with bf's??? Is there something I'm missing here???

Rock Star: I'll believe it when I see you on MTV.

Security: Ok, it was cute the first time. I find it highly unlikely that anyone would buy into the idea that you're guarding anything important anymore.

"Cute", "Hot", "Hottie": Might as well just say conceited...

Princess: Oh, don't even get me started. These are so common anymore I find it hard to believe that anyone would think this shirt makes them seem special in any way. I believe the original intent was give off an aura of royalty, but there seems to be a hell of a lot of royalty lurking around now.

Note: This is just the opinion of lil ol' me. I like to take my frustrations with stress out on people who bug the crap outta me, more specifically, trendy people. This is not meant to offend anyone. I'm sure many people could find ways to make fun of my clothes, but I don't really care.

I'm gonna go play around with my new theme now. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.