You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Thoughtful Entry
December 8, 2001 - 8:17 p.m.

I know I just wrote one a few hours ago, but I felt like writing another entry...

I'm having some weird-ass ovulation cramps. They're not like other cramps, which makes sense I guess since they're a totally different part of my cycle. I dunno whether I should take motrin or just wait for them to pass cuz it's not like they hurt really, they just feel weird. I guess instead of saying my uterus hurts, I should say my felopian tubes hurt... right?

Today was a lazy day. I got half of my essay done. I'll do the other half tomorrow before we go shopping. I'm not too worried about it. I don't worry until about one second before I get the paper back; that one second when Mr. Hallford looks at the paper, turns to me, and throws it in my direction. That's when I worry. By then it's too late.

For dinner I went to Elephant Bar with my parents. We were lucky enough to be sat next to a group of six teenagers (younger than me though). There were four girls and two guys. One of the guys was purdy cute, and the other guy was annoying as fuck. He had this loud, projecting voice that he used to make dumbass comments. I really felt sorry for those girls who had to be associated with him. I'd feel even more sorry if one of them was unlucky enough to be attracted to him. When they got their food, he actually shut up for awhile to stuff his face, but it didn't work for long. The entire table shut up when I said, "I'm not coming back every goddamn weekend!" to my parents really loud (referring to when I go away to college). I think I shocked the poor children because I swore openly in front of my parents and they didn't bust a cap in my ass. It was very entertaining. I shoulda done that from the beginning. Then maybe Mr. Loud Mouth woulda been a little quieter.

During dinner I was paying attention to my parents' mannerisms a lot. It's really very interesting to pay attention to how people move, especially while eating and talking. I find it amusing that people try to be all sly about eating food, so as not to obviously spill stuff all over themselves when it's really very obvious that some things are just hard to stuff in your mouth without having some of it fall out. I'm surprised that there wasn't a time when eating was considered something private because if you think about it, it can be really embarrassing. I think it would make sense if it once fell under the same category as taking a shit or something; you just don't do it when other people are around. I'm not saying that I find the image of people eating disgusting or anything; it's one of those things that I think describes a person's personality. You can tell a lot about a person by the way they eat. I just wouldn't be surprised if it was placed at the same level as shitting. If you ask me, people are still way too stingy about shit. I'm not saying I want people watching me shit, I just think it should be alright to say, "gee, I have to shit right now" without getting any weird looks.

I think I think too much. Where the fuck did that paragraph come from?

I guess I'm gonna get Jones Soda with Joe tonight, unless he never calls. I always wait for him to call. That's just the kinda person I am. I only take the initiative if I have to, and I have to enough already with Jenny. Not that I don't love ya Jenny ;o) Do you still have my wedding ring?

I feel like getting all warm and cozy and listening to some good music and/or reading a good book tonight. I always feel like doing stuff like that during the winter. Cold weather makes me want warmth more. I know I've discussed this before, so I'm not gonna go into detail about how much I love warmth. Anycrap, my warm and cozy moment would be a billion times better if I had a guy to share it with :::sigh::: I want someone to cuddle with in the cold weather.

Cute Choir Boy still hasn't signed on. I think this is gonna result in another failed attempt on my part, just like the whole Jason drama. I think I was destined to remain single and want guys who either don't want me or live miles away. Or maybe I was destined to encounter a buncha failed attempts until Jeremy finally comes around. No, no, no. I should be over that fucknut by now :::slaps self:::

I'd like to do some kinda creative writing project in my spare time. Maybe I should write a short story that will end up being longer than short. I haven't done that in awhile, and whenever I did it was on paper. Maybe if I type it on works it would keep me more motivated since it wouldn't take as long to get a point across. I feel the need to exercise my imagination a little bit. I know it's there, all caged up and ready to do some work. It came out in my economics newspaper assignment and my English dialogue assignment. It wants to do some more work.

This entry has involved way too much thinking. I guess I need those kinda entries every once in awhile. I'm gonna go get cozy now until Joe calls. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.