You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Class Summary
September 7, 2003 - 9:01 p.m.

ooo.. it's my half birthday.. nananana.

I thought I'd reserve this entry for writing about my classes in detail. That's always fun for people who haven't read it in every other diary they read. Yay!

earth science: surprisingly, I'm enjoying this class. I haven't had earth science since 7th grade, so I think this has something to do with it. Science has always been my least favorite subject (hence my not taking any since sophomore year of high school), but for some reason I'm finding interest in it now. Maybe it's because I found out we'd be learning about volcanos, and that'll give me an opportunity to brag about going to Hawaii. Haha... I'm kidding... kinda..

structure of English: I had a feeling this was simply a grammar course based on its title, and what do you know, it is! It's gonna be easy for me cuz I'm a grammar bitch (I'm sure you can't always tell in here), and almost everyone in the class is a liberal studies major. This accounts for very few males, unfortunately. Right now we're studying verbs and nouns.. oooo, tricky stuff.

child development: I'm really excited about this course. It focuses on how children develop physically, mentally, and socially. Again, mostly liberal studies majors, and only two guys in the class, but we're studying a lot of psychology related stuff right now. I find it all very interesting.

child development field experience: I getta work at an elementary school! I was under the misconception that the time we signed up for the class was when we'd be at the school, but instead we hafta sign up to work four hours a week. It looks like I won't be sleeping in at all cuz of the only places I can figure the four hours into my schedule. Oh well. I getta work with kids again!

u.s. history: boring boring boring. Reading homework and essay tests. Ugh. The teacher lectures so boringly, I feel like falling asleep. I can't help but doze a tad. She kinda reminds me of the oracle in the matrix but ten times less cool. This class will be the death of me this semester.

earth science lab for teachers: once again, all liberal studies, three males. I tell ya, if you wanna meet women at this school just be a liberal studies major. The estrogen will overwhelm you. We haven't actually met our teacher yet cuz we had another guy who teaches the course on thursday, but it seems like purdy easy labs, mostly group work. Maybe I'll be able to make some friends in that class since we actually talk to people.

That is all. I have a purdy full load. I had tons of hw this weekend, but I was a good little Laura and did most of it. I just can't stand the reading for u.s. history though. I figure if I pay attention to the lectures, I'll be good to go. That is reliant on the hope that I don't fall asleep, however.

That's enough for now. I'll talk about Joe's birthday party in a later entry. Good times were had by all. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.