You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Sucky Entry
January 21, 2001 - 8:01:06 PM

Ok, so technically this is my third entry today. I suppose my addiction to writing in this thing never died. I never claimed it did though, I just thought I'd mention that it hadn't.

Today was purdy fun actually. Yay... a fun day. Claudia couldn't get together to study for math cuz she had to go to work. We're gonna get together after school on Wednesday instead. A day off work to study! woo hoo!

Anyfuck, so Jenny and I decided to go to CD Warehouse. I bought two cd's. Green Day's Dookie and Foo Fighter's Nothing Left to Lose. I haven't listened to the latter yet, but we listened to Green Day. Yeah, so the dude working there was much too hot to ask for an application. I'm surprised I even had the nerve to buy the cd's. Yeah, we decided we're gonna call and ask if they're hiring instead.. hehe. Then we walked around all the lil shopping centers in four corners to see who was hiring. And I mean all. After we finished the Raley's shopping center, we went to the Kid's Castle area, then the Albertson's area, and then the Safeway area. We got an application at Swensen's. I wanna be able to say I'm lactose intolerant and I work at an ice cream place.. tehe. Yeah, and we saw an add for Child Care at Newark Java. I dunno if they're hiring teens though. It's worth a try. I memorized the phone number... ask for Sylvia! Ooo.. and I got another Jones Soda at Newark Java! Yum.. it was Strawberry Lime. Some yummy shit.

Sarah Jessica Parker has a really high voice.

I've got a funny story for ya. When we were walking through the parking lot once (yeah, that narrows it down), we passed this guy with those shoes with wheels on them holding onto a dude on a bike. We kinda gave him a weird look, and then I looked over my shoulder at him after we had passed them and he was looking at me and he yelled, "I'm not gay!" It was funny. We were crackin up.

After we finished our job search, we came to my house and played ping pong. I hafta train my friends for the ping pong tournament we're gonna have at my dad's bday party. We also went online a tad, burned a cd, and pet Shady. We watched the last 20 of the 100 greatest songs of rock and roll. Jenny was really bored. I felt bad.

Yeah, ok, my typing sucks tonight. Why haven't I been able to write a good entry in awhile? Oh, cuz I haven't been happy in awhile. Makes sense.

I really don't wanna go to school tomorrow. Everyone's just gonna make me do crap to study for finals. Yucko. I can't wait till this week is over. I'll have art next semester. I suck at drawing, but Claudia's gonna be in my class, so we're gonna suck together. Woo hoo!

I'd like to approach the subject of varsity jackets. Personally, I don't like them. They just seem like a way for atheletic people to show off. "Look at me, I've done this and this and this. Don't you want me now?" Uh, no. Ok, there are a few people I like who have varsity jackets, but for the most part, ew. Oh, and what also bugs me is the fact that people put like when they were in honor roll on there. Hello, it's a varsity jacket. Since when is getting good grades a varsity sport? Don't even get me started on cheerleaders who wear those things. Ugh. Ok, I just had to release some anger towards the people at my school. I do that quite often in here, don't I? Arg, I hate my school.

"I don't wanna die. I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all." ~Queen

I'm gonna go now. This entry is bad enough already. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.