You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Writing in Attempt to Stay Awake
July 24, 2003 - 1:40 a.m.

:::yawn::: I know it's normal to be tired at 1:40 in the morning, but I'm still forcing myself to stay awake. I slept eleven and a half hours last night, and woke up at 1. I should not be sleepy already. This is just madness. I guess you can consider that a warning that if this entry isn't posted till tomorrow afternoon it's because I fell asleep in front of the puter in the process of writing it.

Today was my first day off in what seemed like forever. I guess it was actually since last Friday, but eh, details. Too many six hour days for someone who still hasn't gotten used to not sitting on her ass in front of a puter all day, nonetheless. On my day off I decided to go to the mall, of course, because that's what people who work in retail do when they're not working in retail: visit other people who are working in retail. Actually the main reason I went was because my belt was ripping and the underwires in a couple of my cheap Target bras were coming out and poking me in the boob. That hurts like a bitch. Anyone feel me on this? And the weird thing is that there's a protective white cap over the edge as if they almost knew the underwire would emerge from the material eventually. At least Target is aware of its cheapness. Ew, I just remembered that during my sweatshop research I found out that Target is one of the leading sweatshop companies. Now I feel guilty again.

Wow, talk about getting off topic. Anypoo, I, of course, bought two more bras at Target today. You might think this proves that I don't learn from my mistakes, but I made sure they were the same kinda bras as the other ones I bought at Target which are stronger and have yet to have any underwires expose themselves yet. Also, they were on clearance and $2.72 each. Who would pass that up? I also bought a watch, lotion, and sesame street undies. Oh, and I got a new belt at PacSun.


I think tomorrow I'm gonna attempt the dreaded room cleaning. I finished my Jones Soda collage weeks ago, and my floor is still cluttered with cut apart labels, bottlecaps, and artsy fartsy supplies. I'm at least proud of the fact that I recycled the bottles last week. One step at a time. At least I have an excuse now that I'm working, right?

I've been having weird dreams lately. I have weird dreams all the time actually, but I've been remembering more specific details lately. I wish I had one of those books that explain what dreams mean or something cuz I had one of the most amazing dreams last night, and I wanna know what the lighting and what-not meant. I know that the general meaning of the dream was that I have stronger feelings for someone than I've been willing to admit to myself, but I've been realizing that a lot lately. Eh, no use dwelling over the unattainable though. (Yay for being vague.)

I decided to use some of my banner views since I'll be renewing my supergold membership soon and getting more anyway. I used my boring banner cuz it's the only one I've been minutely proud of, and hey it got a C on banner critics. I think I've given up on making anything better than that one. I don't have any skill when it comes to graphics. I'll stick to writing, thanx. Anyfuck, I've gotten some guestbook signatures, notes, and new readers as a result, so I'd like to welcome you all to the wonderful world of BOB. It's sure to become more emotional when I go to school in a little over a month. Brace yourselves.

Oh, but y'know what? You don't hafta worry about me being emotional based on my period any time soon cuz I've started skipping periods on purpose. I've been reading about it in a community on livejournal and found that it's just as safe as bleeding while on birth control, so I figure why should I have periods when I'm on the birth control anyway? I'm just afraid that whenever I decide to stop with the birth control, it'll be a total shock to my system since I got horrible symptoms when I wasn't on birth control before (the whole reason I'm taking it in the first place), and I won't even be used to having a period at all then. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there cuz for now I'd rather not hafta worry about changing pads in dorm bathrooms.

Well I think I've officially scared away any male readers that may have clicked on my banner now. Tehe. I hope none of them was the love of my life or anything. That would be rather sad. I guess the love of my life will hafta be able to deal with my constant talking about female problems anyway.

Alright, I'm about to pass out now. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.