You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Spells and Blood
March 3, 2001 - 12:31:23 AM

Well.. howdy. Today, well yesterday I guess now, was actually a purdy good day.. for a school day.. being the second day of my period and all. The only bad part was getting a C on my history test, but I'm not too upset about that. There's always time to bring up my grade.

In Mr. Bookout's class we got our essay back. I got an A. This time there weren't any negative comments on it AT ALL. In fact, there were three +'s. His comments on the back said, "your writing is always impressive." Go Lorah! It's your birthday! Well, actually, not yet.

Which reminds me, FOUR DAYS TILL MY BIRTHDAY AND COUNTING!!! It's kinda pathetic that I still get all excited about birthdays like I'm a kid or something. Oh well, birthdays make me feel special, so I will enjoy them.

In art I didn't get much of my collage done cuz there were hardly any razors and it took me forever to get one. When I was done with mine, the-guy-who-liked-me-five-years-ago happened to be looking for one, so I gave him mine. Oops. He said I was "the coolest." Eek... I'm prolly worrying too much. He has a gf anyway... whose name is, ironically, Laura. Hmmmm......

I didn't feel like shredding at work, so I started scanning summer swim stuff instead which is more fun than the stuff I was scanning. I actually know some of the people. As I move up in years, I'll know more too. Oh, the excitement.

Not long after I got home I left again to go out to eat and to the movies with Jenny, Joe, Claudia, and Holly. We were gonna eat at TGI Fridays, but the wait was too long, so we went to La Salsa instead. It was yummy. Then we bought candy and went to see The Mexican. (See a theme?) It was purdy good. Not to mention watching Brad Pitt for two hours is never a bad idea. After we dropped Claudia off at her house, we went to Safeway and bought some candles so we could cast some spells.. tehe. We didn't find any spells by the time Holly had to be home, but Jenny, Joe, and I cast three spells. It was fun. I hope they work.

There's a blood drive at my school on March 20th. It's the first time I'll be elligible cuz you hafta be 17 to give blood. I dunno if they'll want my blood, though, cuz I take antibiotics. Does anyone know if that affects the blood donation process? If anyone does, please click that link on the left that says "drop me a line" and.. well.. drop me a line. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanx!

Well, I'm purdy tired, so I'm gonna go now. Sorry for the lack of detail and what not. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.