You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

PMS and Stress
March 1, 2001 - 9:04:05 PM

Well, it's the first day of a new month... that means two things: new contacts, and new archive pages. Wow, I have a really boring life. I wouldn't say boring, since I'm always stressed now it seems with school and all, but when school, contacts, and archive pages run your life, that's pathetic.

My mom changed the desktop theme, and the colors are really getting to me... just a side note there.

So today was spent blowing my nose and doing work. Fun shit. I was wiped by the time I got home from work again, which resulted in watching TRL and almost falling asleep for a couple hours. I like having energy. Fuck disease.

In ASL we were practicing how to sign Hit the Road Jack cuz we're gonna sign it when a class comes to visit on Monday. Since there are only four guys in the class, we had three girls to a guy at one point (y'know how the song goes back forth between the guy and girl). I ended up signing to Jason. The irony. The symbolism. I found it amusing since the song is about telling a guy to get lost. I was buggin him cuz he wasn't putting enough emotion into his signing. Hahahahha... making fun of Jason, my favorite pastime.

In art I got to block out all the immature dorks with the Foo Fighters. It was sweet. I did manage to be asked, "you're a junior? No way.. you look like a freshman!" I responded with, "Do you want me to get out my ID and prove it to you?" I also managed to amaze Renita with the fact that I'm turning 17 in six days. I hate looking young. I'm told it will turn out good when I'm old, but I doubt I'll still look young then. It's just cuz I'm short that people assume I'm younger than I am. :::shrug::: I think I mighta been a tad too bitchy to the guy who asked for the billionth time if I was a junior. Oh well, that will teach him not to fuck with PMSing Lorah.

Which leads me to my next subject, I got my period on the first day of the month. Is that some kinda omen? Laura got her period yesterday.. we're almost synchronized. Must be a Laura thing.

I think there may, just may, be a light at the end of the tunnel o' stress. So far, I only know of two tiny assignments to do over the weekend. I hafta finish my tiotjiojagoij (some french word) drawing for art and do the test from last year for math. Not bad. I might have a reading assignment for English, but that's prolly it. Yay! There aren't any big projects or anything coming up, so if my teachers are so kind as to lay off on the assignments every fuckin night, I might be able to go back to my old ways of hw done by 5:30, online the rest of the night-ness. Ah, to feel boredom again. :::escapes into a world of daydreaming about the ability to waste time and sit on one's ass doing nothing:::

So tomorrow night I'm going to see The Mexican with Jenny, Joe, Claudia, and maybe Holly if her mom will let her. I hope it's a good movie cuz my social life is all I have going for me right now. Is it hard to see why that's connected? I don't care, it makes sense to me and my head is too filled with snot to explain myself, so figure it out.

So tomorrow we're decorating our sketchbooks with collages in art. Originally, I was just gonna bring random shit, but Ms. Savian explained today that she wants us to have a theme. I decided my theme is gonna be children. I'm bringing my Zany Brainy catalogue, pictures from work last summer, a thank you note from my five year-old cousin, and a note from one of the kids in my group last summer. I'm gonna look up some quotes about kids if I have time. It should be purdy cool.

I'm gonna go now so I can look up those quotes. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.