You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Rushed Speed Typing
April 24, 2001 - 9:28 p.m.

Today's Ashley's birthday, just so you know. You probably don't know who Ashley is, but it's her birthday. Yup.

I am speed typing. Look at me go... wooooooo!

Yesterday was rather eventful. I went to the doctor and she said I was eating fairly well. So, I had an EKG which was annoying cuz I had to wear a paper shirt with no bra... ugh! They stuck stickers all over me and put wires in them and it was just weird. The doctor also said I'd be sent to neurology (sp?). Joy. There's something wrong with my brain. HOWEVER, today I found out it prolly hasta do with the antibiotics I'm taking for acne. I'm gonna stop taking those and start taking other ones when I get an appointment with my derm. I hope that's the cause, cuz that's simple.. and doesn't include death (hopefully). But I can't blame my stupidity on my brain problems, unfortunately.

After I got home I called Jeremy. We had a weird conversation. I got pissed at him for talking too much and interrupting me which eventually led to an open conversation. I found out that he doesn't feel the same way I do. It felt good to finally know where everything stands. Now I can just move on.

Today was boring for the most part. Lunch was fun cuz we're back out on the beach again.. woo hoo! Jenny, Clau, and I all got $1000 scholarships for how well we did on the standardized test for California. Joe didn't though. We kinda had to rub that in cuz his ego has been rather high since he's number 14 in the class. I feel kinda bad though. I got better than him on the SAT's too, I forgot I rubbed that in.. oops.

There's a field trip for ASL on Friday.. I'm kinda excited about that cuz I only hafta go to two classes, and I don't hafta do the hw that's due on Friday till Monday.. hehehehehehe.

Did I mention the self portraits in art before? It's kinda annoying looking at myself in the mirror all period. Especially since purdy soon I'm gonna be zit-a-mania since I hafta go without antibiotics for a couple weeks. Should be rather scary.

Why is it that I always seem to have an Ataris song stuck in my head? ALL THE TIME!!! Maybe it's cuz they're just get-stuck-in-your-head kinda songs. And maybe cuz I listen to them like every day :::shrug:::

Oh, I just thought of a funny story. Today I almost crashed when only Laura and I were in the car. Ok, that's not funny, but I blamed it on my brain problems, then I was like, "Don't tell your parents about this! 'Is Lorah a good driver?' 'Yes, yes, we've NEVER almost crashed!' 'Did you almost die today?' 'No, no, not at all!'" I guess you had to be there. I was crackin us up!

Yeah, so I'm saving some big news for last just to make Zach think I'm not gonna type it.. hehe. We're kinda gonna try giving the relationship we had in December another chance. I really hope it works out cuz I care about him a lot, but I'm worried about what will happen if I ever hook up with someone here. It's kinda up in the air right now, we're just giving it a try.

Ok, I've typed enough. Me go now. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.