You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Sick of Being Sick
September 19, 2003 - 10:55 p.m.

I really truly hate being sick for extended periods of time. It could be a worse cold, true, but it sucks nonetheless, and when I think I've eaten all the cough drops I can ever eat, I pop another in because my throat hurts so damn much. I hate painful lymph nodes and going to the doctor just to be told that it's only a virus, and she can't prescribe you anything just to go home and keep sucking on the neverending cough drops that seem to gradually encompass your existance. UGH.

Today I hung out with Joe and Jennifa and felt shitty the whole time. I want this cold to go the fuck away. As well as my roommate.

When I went to the doctor, they asked me when my last period was, and I just said I knew i was getting one on Tuesday cuz I didn't wanna tell them I'd been skipping them on purpose. I felt all nervous so my heart rate was fast. It was embarrassing.

I've decided to stop skipping periods (I made this decision before I went to the doctor though, not related). I'm afraid of the period I'm gonna have next week. I don't know what to expect. I don't know if it'll be really heavy since I haven't bled since June, or if it'll just be normal. I also am gonna try using instead cups. I'm afraid they won't work and then I'll have no way to take showers in the dorm because I won't use tampons. This is all very scary. I wish I wasn't female.

Tomorrow I plan on doing very little. I might go to the mall and get a new nose ring cuz I wanna change it. I'm a little apprehensive about that process too since I've never done it before.

I'm worried about Neal cuz he hasn't been online since the hurricane hit. I'm sure it's just because he doesn't have electricity, but fate hates me and it would just be my luck that a guy who's husband material would die in a hurricane before I could actually meet him.

I'm not looking forward to next week. I have major quizzes/tests in three of my classes, and a period to top it off. YAY! My reward will be the Dashboard show on Friday that Jenny agreed to go to with me. Today I bought a Brand New cd to brush up on the other bands. I'm very excited to see the lovely Chris Carrabba again.. Yum.

I need to get ready for bed and stuff or I'll throw off the birth control. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.