You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Wow, Jenny's a Sexy Bitch
April 18, 2003 - 7:45 p.m.

Hello hello. I am so very full right now. I've definitely gotten over the not-being-able-to-eat-because-I'm-too-depressed thing. And now I'm stuffed. Ugh.

Today, thus far, has been fun. Jenny and I decided to become man haters. That's what we call it when we're bitter cuz guys suck. The guy Jenny likes, who told her he wasn't over his ex, got a girlfriend. Boooooo. All men are bastards, as Amy would say. So anypoo, to celebrate our hatred for all things penis, we went to subway for lunch, then saw a movie. We saw Anger Management, which was purdy funny, but not as good as I thought it would be. Maybe it just had too many men in it. After that, we went and got some ice cream, and then Jenny went to work. Since I drove, I hafta go pick her up at work at 9:30. I mustn't forget.

Speaking of Jenny, did I ever mention that she's hot? Oh yes, she is. I mean look at her. Who wouldn't want a piece of that? If you happen to be a single guy in the area, contact me so I can set you up with this fine young woman.

No, she totally did NOT tell me to write that. Psh. And yes, I'm perfectly straight.

Last night I think I made a big advancement in my recovery. I started thinking of myself as single. Now I know I've been single for two weeks, but I didn't really feel single. I still felt like my heart was Charlie's and always would be. Last night, however, I realized I could potentially be with a guy, and I started checking guys out and feeling single. I know I'm nowhere near ready for another relationship. It would be the epitome of rebound if I had one. I still have a lot of getting over Charlie to do, and of course I still love him like crazy, but at least I've opened my eyes a little more.

[Extremely Hot] Jenny's mom sent me a card and a $10 giftcard for Target because I took care of Jenny when she was sick last week. Aww. She signed the card, "her dorky mom". Tehe. Jenny's mom's cool. In fact, I think she'd make a great in-law :::nudgewink:::

Ew.. my virus scan just started, so I can't play the sims for another 45 minutes probably. Poop. My sim monkey reached 8 points in body today. He's been working out a lot. Ooo... I should show you this convo Jenny and I had last night:

Rad Kit Ty (10:16:40 PM): my monkey's getting buff
JennyMagu (10:16:51 PM): your monkey's getting buff
Rad Kit Ty (10:18:35 PM): yup
Rad Kit Ty (10:20:22 PM): my purple monkey is pumping iron
JennyMagu (10:21:29 PM): kinky

Do you see how witty Jenny is? Wow. What a package.

In other news, Cheetos are yummy.

Ok enough bullshitting, I need to end this. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.