Here's what other people had to say:

At 2003-04-21 22:47:07, Laura's feed back was...
hehe. anypoo. that made my day.
At 2003-04-22 10:40:55, I art me, I think's feed back was...
First, what a delightful, albeit underrated blanner you had. It snagged me right off. SO much so that I clicked right out of my current entry, losing my update just to see who the brainchild was behind the banner personification movement. Lo and behold, I discover BOB. If I weren't about to venture beyond these hallowed walls, and they are hallowed, truly, then I would sit back and read all day. Alas, my life, such as it is, beckons me. Okay my contacts need to come out and I need more saline solution. But still, its a beckoning, isn't it? Suffice to say, I shall return and read to my hearts content.

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