You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Monkey Money
April 17, 2003 - 6:21 p.m.

Second entry of the day. Wow. Mark this day in his-tor-y.

heartbeatSOrapid (6:04:40 PM): its refreshing
heartbeatSOrapid (6:05:05 PM): i havent talked to you in a while and you get better and better to talk to everytime because the depression is fading

Ah, it feels so good to know that I'm not imagining this recovery. I had a feeling the reason why Charlie wasn't talking last night was because he saw something in me that I didn't see as far as a fake sense of happiness goes, but that statement up there was definitely reassuring.

Yesterday I created a new sim as a last chance before I cancel my sims online account. I made a purple monkey in a new city, and man, I'm addicted all over again. Today I played for four hours straight. Crazy, I know. My monkey moved into a house with four other monkeys, and it's quite fun. We like to make monkey noises at each other. Today I won a trivia contest, and I also competed in a pinata contest, but I got second place in that one. My monkey's in the money. Tehe.

I don't have much to do before Friends is on, which is why I'm writing this entry. I think this is what my weekend's gonna be like cuz both of my roommates will be gone. Woo hoo! I think that calls for renting sappy movies, don't you? Too bad I also have late fees at Hollywood video.

Lately I've been desperately trying to get a livejournal. I have four friends who have livejournals, and I've been prodding most of them, but to no avail. I get in these livejournal wanting moods, and there's no stopping them. My weblog just isn't cutting it. If you have the means to get me a livejournal, lemme know. Pleeeeeeeeeeeease.

Well Neal's bubbling over with anticipation cuz I told him I quoted him in this entry, and he wants to read it. I also quoted him in my latest webcam entry, so you should look at that too. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.