You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Going Back to School... And All That Jazz
January 19, 2003 - 11:38 p.m.

Oy, the pain that is my belly button. It's been hurting especially lately, and I don't know why. It was just starting to show signs of healing too. :::sigh:::

Today my mom and I went to see Chicago. The shopping center the theatre is in is usual jam-packed with people, especially on a three day weekend, but today it was practically empty because of the Raiders game. Too bad I can't go to Costco with my mom next weekend during the superbowl. At least I know the roads will be empty when I'm driving back to school (boo school boo). Costco's totally vacated when a local team is playing. We went one year when the 49ers were in the superbowl, and it was quite pleasant. Anypoo, back to Chicago. It was great, as I thought it would be. There wasn't nearly as much tap dancing as I expected, just one scene that faded in and out. I was disappointed about that. Aside from that, I had few complaints. Renee Zelaodifjoksfjsdj was amazing. Much much better than Catherine Zeta-Jones. I was really impressed by her performance. And now I have All That Jazz stuck in my head. I probably will until I listen to a cd before I go to bed tonight. Even that might not get rid of it. I plan on dling the soundtrack tomorrow on my laptop :o)

When we got home we watched the golden globes. I was glad Chicago walked away with so much. There were some funny acceptance speeches. Blah blah blah. This is enough Laura talking about the entertainment industry for one entry. I never do this.

Today I took a day off of my rollerblading schedule, mainly because my legs were killing me and I was walking with a limp. That's always a good sign you should take a day off, huh? I plan to start it up again tomorrow though, regardless of the fact that my legs haven't recovered. Must.. prepare... for.. self... defense... class.

I think I'm finally coming to terms with the fact that yes, I am going back to school in less than a week now. Dreading it isn't gonna help at all cuz I'll still hafta do it, so why bother? There are advantages to being in school. The biggest being the amount of independence I acquire when I'm living in the dorm. The ability to make my own choices without checking with my parents is always liberating. Of course, my parents would probably grant my permission to go smoke pot with random stoners, but I don't really wanna do that. Man, having ex-hippies as parents makes for a different childhood, lemme tell ya. Anyfuck, I'm also semi-ready to jump into another semester of school because of the fact that I did well in the last one. Kevin informed me that we hafta find our grades online, so I did just that, and found that I got a 4.0 in my first semester of college. Yaaaay! I totally wasn't expecting an A in politics because I got checks on a lot of my journals as opposed to check-pluses, but she musta liked my research paper or something. I'm really happy cuz that's like my only class that's worth a lot when I transfer. Anypoo, I didn't work nearly as hard as I did in my senior and junior years of high school, and I still got good grades, so I'm ready to take this semester on. Hopefully I don't get the impression that I can slack toooo much. This semester I'm gonna have an English class that will have mostly sophomores and juniors in it because I skipped a class by passing the AP. I have a feeling there will be a lot of bullshitting.. er.. I mean.. writing in my future. Ugh.

Oooo.. If anyone who's reading wants to recommend some music to me, I'd be greatly appreciative. I wanna download as much music as possible in the next week with our super-fast dsl connection. If you're a long time reader, you've probably gotten a feel for what I listen to from the songs that I write at the bottom of my entries, and if you're just tuning in (yes, suddenly I'm a tv show...), you can look at my profile and what songs I have listed in previous entries. Pleeeease help me out if possible. I want music!

Tomorrow I'm gonna try to hang out with Holly, and then Tuesday I'm gonna try to hang out with Laura. Weeeee. I was talking to Laura today, and we discussed maybe miniature golfing. I like miniature golfing. I must keep my last week at home full of fun stuff. Oooo.. I still needa watch Wayne's World with Jennifa too.

Well I'm rambling now, so I'll stop here. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.