You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Nobody Does it Like Sara Lee
July 7, 2002 - 7:11 p.m.

Ah, boredom. It is such an interesting feeling. Sometimes it is greatly welcomed when stress has recently been dominant. Other times it's just really fucking annoying. Today, in summary, was the latter. At first, I was basking in my boredom. A weekend and nothing to do... what more could a lazy person like myself ask for? Then I realized the extent to which I had nothing to do. First I entertained myself by placing my sign language magnetic poetry on the fridge. That only took about 15 mins. Then I watched a lot of oooold home videos. I was a really annoying little kid. I'm surprised nobody gave me a swift kick to the ass as a child cuz I was embarrassed just watching myself. The home videos eventually gave me the inevitable headache, but not before I watched 3 OM skits, 3 birthday parties, and a talent show. Good times, good times.

Joe and I were gonna go to Best Buy after dinner and check out puters and stereos. Unfortunately, it being a Sunday and all, Best Buy closed at 6, so we missed out. I still think it's stupid that stores close early on Sundays. I mean, how old fashioned. The people who are still REALLY religious won't be going anywhere all day, so why close early? It's pointless and stupid. If I ever open a store (which probably won't happen...), I am staying open late on Sundays.

Just so you know, Sara Lee knows how to make some frozen little chocolate and cheese cake ice cream thingies. Yum.

I don't wanna go to work tomorrow. I'd be bored shitless if I didn't, but I really just don't feel like going. I have a feeling my whole summer is gonna waste away in front of me cuz of that job. I have six more weeks, and then two days after my job ends, it's off to college. That's not cool.

My dad just farted and it smells gross.

In other news, I don't wanna call my roommates, but I really should. Dammit, why didn't they give email addresses too???

I wish porn people would stop IMing me.

I still can't use radkitty on aim, and it's really fucking annoying. I wanna email aol about it again, but I can't find the link for it that I used last time I did. I think I might just hafta go into one of those chatrooms for technical stuff, and the technical person I talk to is gonna be like, I don't get paid to answer stupid-ass questions like this. Why is it so hard just to send another goddamn confirmation email?!?! If it wasn't for those damn porn people I wouldn't have this problem.

Note: If you didn't understand the last paragraph, you don't read my diary enough.

"I'm not alone cuz the TV's on, yeah. I'm not crazy cuz I take the right pills every day..." ~Jimmy Eat World

I think I'll go read some Chicken Soup for the College Soul now. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.