You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

A Sad Excuse for an Entry
July 1, 2003 - 12:03 a.m.

I feel like I horrible diarylander indeed. I have not updated in about four days, and I sit here looking at my buddylist wondering why no one updates anymore like the biggest hypocrite. Why haven't I updated? Because I have nothing to say. I've spent the last few days either sitting on my ass or working my ass off at Michael's. Michael's is purdy much like a job in retail, and most of what I would say about that would be complaints about my feet hurting. You don't wanna hear that.

I... went to get some Jones with Joe Saturday night. Then tonight I got some Jones with Holly. Yup, that's about all the social activity I've had. Wow, I'm a loser. At least I'm working so I'm busy with something.

I've settled down with my addictin to ebay. I realized I was spending too much money, so I'm gonna stay away until I get some paychecks and pay my car insurance. I have self control, oh yes I do.

I really do feel guilty about not writing in here, but there's really nothing to write, as you can see. I guess I'm just living the typical life of a teenager working during the summer. Maybe I'll attack that plan to have a summer fling with the guy I've had an on-and-off crush on since kindergarten. That would offer all kindsa fun stories. Oh! And I saw a purdy yummy guy who works at Michael's today. He started his shift when I ended mine. I've never worked with him before, and I don't know why the hell not. Hopefully I will sometime this week. Anypoo, what I meant to say in this paragraph was that I feel bad cuz I'll be gone for a week when I go to Hawaii, and that's only a week and two days from now. CRAZY!

Yes, so, I apologize ahead of time. And if you live in the bay area, come buy some craft supplies in Fremont, m'kay? M'kay. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.