You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Why Do All of My Entries Consist of Pictures Now?
June 25, 2003 - 6:53 p.m.

Why hello there, it's the workin woman here!

Ugh, working all the time isn't the greatest. Well, I'm only complaining because today and tomorrow I'm not only working at Michaels. I'm also operating the switchboard at my mom's work for a couple hours afterwards. With the two jobs put together, I'm a 9-5 woman. It's exhausting. My feet hurt like crazy. And I hafta do it all over again tomorrow! Ack!

I enjoy Michaels though. I need to learn the floor a lot better because whenever anyone asks me a question, I never know where anything is. It's because I work the cash register all day. Today I started walking around and putting stuff away that costumers decided they didn't want when there wasn't much action going on. I'm starting to memorize some basic stuff. Paints in isle 6B, yo! Anypoo, someone asked me where something was today, and I actually knew the answer! oh my goodness. It was because they asked where the beads were, and being the beading addict that I am, it was the first thing I memorized, but that's beside the point. I knew where something was!

The little old lady who trained me is very cute and helpful, but she's going to Reno tomorrow (a gambling trip, tehe), so I won't have her there to help me. It'll be kinda scary. I'll actually hafta page people myself over the intercom. My voice! All over the store! Eeek!

Today I got what I think is my most proud purchase on ebay. I got hardly-worn plaid converse for only nineteen dolla!

You want my shoes, you know it. I see you drooling.

While I'm showing pictures, I'll show you some more. I'm just gonna link to these though cuz the sizes are big. First we have Shady actually hiding from the camera. Let's all awww together. Next I have a picture from when Clau, Jenny, and me hung out a couple weeks ago. I never wrote that sappy entry. Damn. I guess I just haven't been sappy lately. Anypoo, my mom took the picture... it's supposed to be all babysitters club movie style. I think we pulled it off purdy well. Lastly we have my dad last week when he had a little too much tequilla. Feel free to giggle. I was laughing my ass off.

I need a foot massage. Anyone? Anyone? They're not stinky, I swear.

I sur-pose I'm done now. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.