You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Routine Stupid Entry
February 18, 2001 - 10:29:05 PM

What have I done this weekend? Umm.... lemme think... NOTHING! Ok, so I did some stuff Friday night, but the last two days I've sat around my ass doing nothing. I haven't even completed a significant amount of hw to make myself feel somewhat successful. I did my visual for my history project and read the math section.. that's it. I plan on actually doing the math tonight and maybe doing my art hw too, just to get out of the way. Tomorrow I must work my ass off. I shoulda done that today or yesterday so I could do something with friends tomorrow, but silly me thought I might be doing something so I sat around till someone called or something. I don't know how I ever spent entire weekends doing nothing like this. It's driving me crazy.

However, I have gotten purdy far in the college searching area. Today I signed up for the SAT's on March 31st. Now that I've committed myself to that date, I might actually start studying.. hopefully. I have this program sitting next to the puter in its purdy little box yet to be touched. Ok, that's an exaggeration, I installed it and looked at what it offered once. I got bored though, of course. It's a test.. no matter how hard they try they can't make studying for it exciting. It's a stupid test at that. Whose brilliant idea was it to judge a person's abilities in a few hours of testing? Some people (like me) are really bad at standardized testing! And then the other thing colleges look at are grades.. like that's any measure of how smart someone is. But then again, I don't know how they would select people otherwise. It's all very fucked up, but it can't be changed. That kinda makes it suck even more. Anyfuck, the way I'm looking at it is, the sooner I get those damn SAT's over with, the better. I'm not looking to do good on them, I'm just looking to do them.

I also have narrowed down my college choices to five.. maybe four. My parents have been trying to scare me about this one college. Yeah, so I've been looking into majors, fees, etc. I wrote down times you can take tours and what not. My mom and I are planning on going to look at colleges during Spring Break. That should be interesting.. a road trip with Mom. Imagine the possibilities.

I would like to approach the topic of our wonderful president's "routine strike" the other day. I don't quite know where to start, but what the hell?!?!?! Let's get some logic... if you tell a little kid not to do something, they're just gonna do it even more. This isn't much different. Oooo... let's kill innocent people so they'll stop! Yes, that's a grand idea when we know they, too, have weapons that could just as easily kill us. Sometimes I question the logic of others. Not to mention the term "routine strike". Couldn't they come up with anything better to call it so the country didn't look as inevitably stupid? Next time I get suspended for slapping someone at school, I'll be sure to mention it was just a "routine strike". That'll make everything ok.

Tonight I watched Bring It On with my parents. It was ok.. for a cheerleader movie. I was told it kinda mocked cheerleaders, which it did at parts, but I still think it was trying to make them look good. Very disappointing. Kinda like how Ms. Congeniality made beauty pageants look ok in the end. Vomit. Teenage insecurities will only continue with these kinda movies out there. Not to mention all the skinny bitches in both movies with their perfect hair and perfect bodies. Disgusting. The only good thing in the movie was the little brother and his smartass comments. I always relate to the smartasses :o)

I'm speedy-typing tonight. Look at me go! I'm also being very opinionated in this entry. Lorah the democratic feminist at her best! Ok, I'm not totally a feminist.. I just support feminist beliefs. I shave my armpits, thankyouverymuch. Mainly just cuz hair disgusts me... Ok, moving right along...

Jerry was online tonight. He started commenting on how I'm antisocial and that will cause me to rot in hell and all that good stuff again. You can always count on Jerry to bring your self esteem down. Oddly enough, I still consider him a good friend though. Can anyone figure that one out?

Claudia and I are having an nice conversation about pads.. as in sanitary napkins, not the kind you sign at Sears :o)

Last night I had a dream about Kelby. It was rather random. It was, of course, a make out dream. Most of my dreams with guys in them are for some odd reason. I think it's cuz I'm sexually frustrated.. or something. Sexually lacking is more like it. There ya go. Anyfuck (haha, no pun intended), it was a weird dream cuz he didn't look anything like what I thought he would look like. Of course, I still don't know what he looks like. Grrrrrr....

Well, from the way I've been typing non-stop for awhile, I suppose this is rather long now. I should stop before I develop carpal tunnel at a young age. Oh, first I'd like to leave you with a quote from Bring It On.

"Cheerleaders are dancers gone retarded." <--Bahahahahahhaha!

Ok, me done. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.