You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Realizations... That I'm Screwed
July 22, 2001 - 10:23 p.m.

I have come to the realization that I do not want to go to high school anymore. Well, I suppose I (and everyone else who has experienced my endless complaints) already knew that, but I didn't realize the extent to which I really, really, and one more time for emphasis, really do not wanna suffer through another year of high school.

Yeah, senior year comes complete with all the perks of being a senior. You get the top lockers. (Woo hoo.. I kinda liked being able to sit on the ground and get shit outta my locker at the same time. Plus, I prolly won't be using my locker much having only a couple academic classes.) You get the senior parking spaces. (I always try to park near the back of the parking lot to avoid traffic anyway.) You getta take senior pictures. (Yay, more pictures that are more expensive that you hafta send to more relatives and worry more about your appearance for.) You get a senior quote in the yearbook. (I've had three years to think of one, and am STILL drawing a blank.) You get your senior panaramic (sp?) picture. (I get a large picture of all the people at my school I can't stand.) You get the senior ball. (You know how much I LOVE dances.) You get the senior slide show. (Most of which will be pictures of trendy leadership people I don't give two flying fucks about.) You get Grad Nite. (Knowing my luck, I'll be on a bus without a single friend.) And, lastly (that I can think of), you get the Senior breakfast. (Ok, that might be kinda cool.. free food.)

As odd as it may seem, despite all these perks, I'd really rather be heading to college after this summer. Now that I have a college all picked out, and my imaginary dorm room all decorated (hey, I was bored at 3 in the morning and my imagination took over), I wanna get the HELL out of Newark!

Not to mention, I think I'll be learning close to nothing this year. My schedule will consist of the following (or at least it better, I'm gonna be a senior for fuck's sake):

~Anatomy and Physiology... I'll learn shit, and forget it by July of next year.

~Government and Economics... Ok, so it might take a little longer to forget this stuff. Still, though, purdy pointless.

~Psychology... kick back class, won't learn too terribly much considering what Jenny's told me about it...

~Choraliers... yay, I getta sing

~Cougar Soul... yay, I getta sing some more

~AP English... Alright, I might learn something here.

Yeah, so basically, I'm suffering through a year of school for one class :::sigh:::

I have also come to another realization: I am trying my damnedest to be busy every waking second of my summer from now on. When I'm sitting in front of the puter (like now) I feel this need to get off my ass and enjoy life, cuz it's already July 22nd. Where the FUCK did summer go?!?! It would certainly help if there was anything to do in this town... which leads me back to the idea that I wanna get the hell out of here.

I sure have gotten myself in quite a pickle, haven't I? Can I just go to Monterey now? Please???

Alright, I'm quite done. I think this is my longest entry in awhile. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.