You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

How to Make Eye Contact with Strangers
February 24, 2001 - 2:27:05 PM

I woke up this morning to the sound of a loud beating heart. A couple seconds later I realized it was the beginning of The Heart of Rock and Roll by Huey Lewis. That was rather startling. My dad likes to blast me out of bed in the morning. It really didn't feel like it was 12:10. I slept about 12 hours last night. It's becoming a Saturday morning tradition (most of my sleeping usually takes place Saturday morning rather than Friday night).

I had popcorn for breakfast. Ah, I love Saturdays.

What's usually the only reason I write an entry in the afternoon on a weekend? Procrastination. I have hw I could be doing. Lots of it. I really don't feel like reading Cuckoo's crap though. And Claudia forgot her math book, so she might come over here to do it. I don't want my hw already done when she comes over now, do I? I'm good at thinking excuses, huh?

Wow, my face is dry.

Anyfuck, I thought I'd just catch up on a few things I wanted to write during the week but didn't have the chance to cuz of my busy schedule. All of the following paragraphs are prolly gonna be rather random. How many times have I used the word rather in this entry? It's a good word, I tell ya, rather good!

On Thursday during lunch Jenny had one of those cheese wheels with the red wax on the outside. You know what I'm talking bout, right? The kind where you pull the thingy off and there are two halves of red wax left. Well, Jenny gave me one of the halves. If you put it on your nose, it looks like a clown nose. Quite authentic looking, too. So I, being the dumbass that I am, decided to wear the clown nose all of lunch and into 6th period. It was amusing. I made eye contact with about a billion strangers. People are so bad at hiding facial expressions, I tell ya. I had a couple people do double-takes. It was great. Jenny was like, "ooo... the cute guy was just staring at you!" lol. The Leprachaun Teacher walked by and was like, "very interesting..." I think a good percentage of people I passed in the hallways that day thought I was on crack.

Last night when Jenny, Holly, and I were watching Friends and Joe was on my puter, he was talking to Jerry. Jerry is so damn cool! He mentioned how Joe gave me a rose on Valentine's Day and specified that it was strictly platonic. He didn't even know how Jenny and I love to bug Joe about that. However, Jerry spelled my name wrong in his profile on diaryland. Didja read that Jerry? It's Lorah, not Lohra :o)

I'm trying to decide whether or not I should put comments next to my favorite diaries on my profile or not. I mentioned in a previous entry why I wouldn't want to, but when I read other people's profiles who list me as a favorite and they have comments about me, they make me feel special. Should I make the authors of my favorite diaries feel special? hmmmmmmm....

I've been listening to Nickleback like crazy lately. I always do that. I obsess over a cd for awhile, then I get tired of it and move on to another cd. I think my next cd will either be the Foo Fighters or Creed... maybe Radiohead. I dunno. I asked for like five cd's for my birthday. I'm gonna have a lot of cd's to obsess over. I don't think I'm gonna hafta buy another cd for awhile. (We'll see how long that lasts.)

It feels weird to be wearing my glasses when I've already showered. I should have my contacts in. I'm too lazy. Sometimes putting in my eyes can be really frustrating.

I have no idea what to eat for lunch. That's sad. It's 2:42 and I haven't eaten lunch yet. There's nothing to eat in this house. I saw some random potato salad in the fridge, maybe I'll have some of that.

I currently have eight people who have listed me as a favorite in their profile. I feel special. Two of them are people who have never emailed me or anything. That's kinda creepy. I don't know whether to feel flattered or stalked. Flattered it is! Wow, that was easy.

"This world can turn me down but I won't turn away, and I won't duck and run cuz I'm not built that way. When everything is gone there's nothing there to fear. This world cannot bring me down, no cuz I'm already here." ~Three Doors Down

I'm gonna go put in my eyes, find some food, and put some lotion on my dry-ass face. Ass face.. interesting. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.