You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

A Poopy Day Ended With Rambling
June 20, 2003 - 12:32 a.m.

Things just have not been working out for me lately. Ugh. Prepare for much complaining in this entry.

First of all, my back hurts, but I don't think that's surprising. It always fucking hurts. Seriously, I bet if you hit the (new!) random link at the bottom of this entry, you'll get an entry where I complain about my back hurting.

Yesterday I went to Target to apply, but the two comptuers at the "employment kiosk" were both in use. I sat on the bench nearby and waited for about fifteen minute. Then both puters froze at the same time. The two people working on their applications had to start over again. Jenny had told me that it takes 45 minutes to apply, so I said fuck it. I wasn't gonna wait another hour and a half. Plus some dude walked in while the freezing fiasco happened, and I don't think he realized I was there before him. I didn't wanna get into the who-was-here-first argument when the time came. Ugh. My parents and I will eat somewhere near there tomorrow night for dinner, and then I'll go apply afterwards. Hopefully a puter will be open then. And hopefully it won't freeze on me. One of the people who was filling out their application said the same thing happened to her the day before. Stupid Target.. why don't they just use paper applications like normal people?!

Today ezi and I were kinda planning on going to Raging Waters. No definite plans were made last night, so I stumbled out of bed at 10:00 this morning after going to bed at 3:00. ezi didn't sign on till 10:45, and she said she couldn't go cuz she's babysitting someone else's kid in addition to her sister's now. By then I was too awake to go back to sleep, so I didn't. I'm disappointed though cuz no one else wants to/can get a season pass, and the last day to get them is Sunday. No one wants to play in the water with me :o( I actually considered getting a season pass and going alone often. That would make me a major loser though. I wouldn't be able to go on any of the slides that involve more than one person, and people would probably look at me weird because I'd be alone. I don't know why Raging Waters is such a utopia for me; I've just always had a love for waterslides, and it was always a treat as a child. Then it was swiped from my life when my mom decided she didn't wanna be seen in a bathing suit anymore :::sigh::: Woe is me.

I tried to cheer myself up by wearing an outfit I like and downloading shitloads of music. I'm running out of room on my puter cuz I have over 900 mp3's now. That's kinda poopy.

I missed the beginning of the Amazing Race, and then the team with the semi-cute boy got eliminated. Today was just not my day.

But Jon Stewart cheered me up as always :o)

And Neal :o)

"I'm scarred by all the lies that were once promises you made." ~The Ataris

Those lyrics just jumped out and bit me. I can relate, my dear ataris, oh yes I can.

Tomorrow I'm getting my hair cut. I dunno whether I should do my usual haircut or do something new and exciting. Since I refuse to use hair products of any sort, I have a feeling I'm just gonna stick with the usual. That and I don't have much time to decide.

Saturday's my cousin's bridal shower. That should be fun. Then Sunday is DASHBOARD!!! I still don't know who I'm going with cuz Jenny doesn't know if she hasta work or not, but I'm going, even if I hafta drag a certain someone kicking and screaming.

Wow I'm writing like crazy. I better stop before I get too boring. Plus, I enjoy using the random link. It's a nice trip down memory lane. Like in one entry I was writing about a buncha teevee shows that aren't even on anymore. I have so many entries the random thingy is quite convenient. You should give it a click-a-roo. (Sure sign you should stop writing: use of the word click-a-roo.) Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.