You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Marry Me
June 21, 2003 - 11:42 p.m.

I didn't write yesterday because I was horribly depressed, and you don't wanna read that crap. Why was I horribly depressed? Because Dashboard backed out of the Beck tour for reasons unknown, and I have two fifty dollar tickets to a concert I don't care to see. I think I had a slight breakdown. I don't think I need to explain why. After desperately trying to find family members who might buy the tickets off me, I'm screwed and thus going to see Beck tomorrow. If I hafta pay for the damn concert, I'm gonna fucking watch it afterall.

On a lighter note, today was my cousin's bridal shower. It was purdy fun for consisting of a buncha people I don't know. Hell, I even got invited to go clubbing with my cousin's twenty-somethings friends. Since they were going to twenty-one and over clubs, I couldn't go. Not that I'd want to anyway. My twenty year old cousin gets in using her sister's ID twenty minutes after her sister uses it. Purdy funny. Going to bridal showers makes me wanna get married. I always wanna get married, but the feeling increases times a million when I go to bridal showers and weddings. Watch, I'll be a wreck come July. I'm really looking forward to Hawaii though.. it's gonna be a huge event with tons of people from all over the world getting drunk and dancing. This usually isn't my thang, but when it's family, it's amusing.

I got a call from Michael's today saying to call back tomorrow "regarding employment". Now, my family says this is a good sign, but knowing the working world, I refuse to get my hopes up. I have learned in the last month that superb interviews and multiple interviews don't mean shit, so far all I know "regarding employment" could mean they're gonna ask me why I chose "very strongly agree" instead of "totally agree" for the statement, "It's possible for someone to do as good a job at work sober as when they're high," on the survey. Anypoo, I'm calling tomorrow before I go to the concert. Telling you to wish me luck and cross your fingers for me hasn't worked before, so just don't do shit, m'kay?

I finally getta get my belly button changed tomorrow. Glory glory hallelujah.

I got my hair cut yesterday. There're pictures on the cam. Enjoy.

I'm PMSing and moody and zitty. It sucks muchly. Sometimes things just never go my way.

"If you don't like being hurt then please don't stay." ~Something Corporate

That is all. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.