You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Poe is Cool, Depeche Mode is Not
August 4, 2001 - 11:50 p.m.

I know you're all dying to know how the Poe/Depeche Mode concert went, so here goes.

Well, Poe ROCKED! She was wearing the coolest shirt, and she talked to the lawn (where I was sitting)! She was just so rad. She even ran into the crowd, all the way up to the lawn. Her brother came out to talk during Hey Pretty. I woulda preferred she sang it, but oh well. I was a little upset that she only sang one song from her first album, but it's kinda understandable since she only sang seven songs. I wish she had gotten a chance to sing more... especially since Depeche Mode was so bad.

Yup, Depeche Mode SUCKED! They are a buncha weird British freaks. The lead singer took off his shirt, and he was nothing to look at. It was rather disgusting. The dude playing guitar had this weird-ass feather thing on his shoulder. I think I'm gonna have nightmares of that guy. He sang a song by himself, and he scared me. A lot. Dad and I left early.

At the souvenir stand, they had tons of Depeche Mode shirts, but only ONE Poe shirt. It was a tank top, and it was $35! That's more than my ticket cost. Fuck THAT! I did get a free cd, a key chain, and a sticker for my window from the channel 104.9 booth. Oh yeah, I'm gonna be advertising for channel 104.9 all over the place now!

I memorized the dance from Remember the Titans today before the concert. It's not that difficult. Hopefully the kids will learn it quickly. The Titans are gonna kick ass at open house!

I still have a stalker. They stopped reading my diary for a couple days, but they're back to their old tricks: reading and NOT REVEALING WHO THEY ARE! Don't get me wrong, I love having people read my stuff, but it's scary when someone reads 50 entries in a row about 20 times and doesn't at least sign my guestbook. *hinthinthint* I know you got to my diary through Jeremy's diary! :::does the little I'm-watching-you thingy from Meet the Parents:::

I would like to get back to listening to New Found Glory now. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.