You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Lucky Lost his Pee-Pee
August 4, 2001 - 2:20 p.m.

Wow, what a day yesterday was. So much has happened in the life of Lorah since I wrote my last entry. I will try to catch all who care up.

Yesterday morning, as I was getting ready for work, we received a call from the vet saying that Lucky had made a turn for the worse and was once again blocked up. We were faced with the decision of whether to pay $1000 to have him sent to a specialist, and perhaps even more money if surgery was involved, or have him put to sleep. I, of course, was supporting the former, simply cuz I'd feel terrible if we had him die before his time when there was something we could have done, but it was my parents' decision, since it was their money.

I went to work kinda upset, but I hide my emotions easily, so I plunged head first into water day. It was kinda overcast to begin with, but it got sunny. It was not the warmest water day, but I didn't shiver as much as I did last year. I discovered that kids will feel your legs if you have goosebumps on them. It was a purdy crazy day, but the sprinklers made it worth it. My kids (the Titans) won't listen to me, but the Patriots will. Their leaders weren't there, so Sara and I had both groups, 26 kids total. Sara blew up at me near the end of the day, and we were supposed to talk and try to work things out later, but we never got around to it. I hafta rent the movie Remember the Titans sometime today so I can memorize the dance the football players do before games. We're gonna have that be our little dance thingy for the open house.

When I got home, my mom told me that she had already brought Lucky to a specialist in San Leandro. I offered to help pay for it, but she turned me down. My sister came home cuz she and Keith were planning on moving to Santa Monica today, but two minutes after Karen got home we got a call from Keith's aunt stating that Keith's father had died in a motorcycle accident that day. Keith was on his way to our house, and Karen wanted to be alone when she broke the news to him, so my parents and I were basically kicked out of the house for the rest of the night.

I went to Jenny's house, and we ended up eating dinner at a 50's place in Fremont and going to the Great Mall. We also checked out the new psychodelic Wendy's in Fremont. It was purdy trippy.

When I got home, I went online for a little bit before I was told I had to go into my room for the rest of the night so as not to disturb Karen and Keith, since they were sleeping in the living room. It was only 11:30, so I knew I had to start my AP reading since I didn't have anything else to do. However, after I took out my contacts (and threw them in the trash since I hadn't changed them yet for this month) I discovered that I didn't know where my glasses were. I had brought them to work with me just in case my contacts fell out during water day, and I couldn't find the purse I had brought them home in. Basically, I just lay in bed the rest of the night listening to music and trying not to stress my eyes too much. I still don't know where my glasses are, but I'm thinking Jenny or Jennifer might have picked them up off of the floor of my car when I dropped them off at their houses after work. I hope so.

When I woke up, Karen and Keith had already left for Keith's sister's house where they're staying until the funeral. My mom informed me that Lucky was already in surgery. Oh yeah, I forgot to say that last night the specialist called and told us that he has stones in his urethra. At two this afternoon, the vet called again and said that the surgery was successful and he's recovering well. Apparently, they had to get rid of Lucky's penis and make his urethra bigger so if he gets stones again, the pee will just pass them. Poor Bucker :o( I hope he'll recover well. If he does, he'll be home by Tuesday or Wednesday. Everybody cross their fingers for my kitty.

I suppose that concludes my eventful day. Tonight I'm finally going to the Poe/Depeche Mode concert with my dad. He's complaining like crazy cuz he's sick and now he doesn't wanna go :::rolls eyes::: My mom keeps telling him that he's already comitted. I have a feeling he's gonna be complaining the entire night. Let's just hope it's an entertaining concert. Anyone who lives in the bay area wanna go with me?! I'm sure my dad would love you for it.

"Maybe it's for the best. Maybe it's not for anything. It wouldn't be so bad to take this right from me." ~New Found Glory

I think this entry is long enough already. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.