You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Picky Picky Picky College Sucks
September 28, 2002 - 8:40 p.m.

Hey howdy hey. It's been four days again. Bad Laura. I dunno why I can't write entries regularly in college. It's like a curse.

I'm actually writing this entry at Jenny's dorm. I'm here for a hw session, but neither of us are doing hw. She's on her bed picking at her tragus piercing, and I'm writing an entry. Weird how that happens, eh?

Well, let's see.. what's new in the life of Laura? Not a whole lot. I have a shitload of hw lately.. it doesn't seem to stop. Aaaaaah. Next week we're road tripping down to stay with my grandma and my sister. I'm gonna see Charlie Tran. Yaaaaaay. It'll be a nice break from college life. It's not a good sign that college life is already becoming tedious for me, huh?

Because I can't remember everything that happened between this entry and the last one, I'm just gonna summarize last night since it's fresh in my mind. Jenny and I went over to Kevin's to hang out, but he ended up making me proofread a paper and then he left for a party right away. He wanted us to go to the party with him, and I didn't exactly support the idea, but Jenny made me. The room was purdy cool, but it was purdy boring. Everyone was just sitting around drinking. Then this guy sitting next to us started smoking pot, and we ended up smelling for the rest of the night. Ewwwww. We got out of there after about a half an hour. It was not exactly an enjoyable experience, but at least we can say we've been to a college party. After that, Jenny and I took Kevin's skateboard over to Jenny's dorm and played with it. We decided to go to Ralph's at one in the morning and buy the fixings for baking cookies. They were purdy damn yummy. That reminds me.. I still have some in the fridge at my dorm. Aaaanyfuck, then I went hom, and this is the interesting part. I walked in on my roommate and her boyfriend naked in bed. Hahahaha.. it was funny. They were scrambling to get their clothes back on and stuff.. hahaha. Yeah, I hope that doesn't happen again, but at least I didn't walk in on them having sex or something.

I don't wanna do my hw.. ugh. I hate having to earn my break through working. We're starting a new book in politics, so at least it's not the same old shit. I should get to reading that though. :::sigh:::

Do you think I should look into going to school somewhere else or would I be just as annoyed by people and hw at any school? Probably the latter. I'm sure I'll find people I like here eventually. I'm just picky. Too picky. It's amazing how often my opinion of this school changes from good to bad. I just didn't think it would take this long to adjust. Ugh.

Off to do the dreaded hw... Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.