You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

A Photo Album of Sorts
May 29, 2003 - 11:47 p.m.

Hello hello hello. I didn't really do much today, but I have plenty to complain about.

First of all, I didn't get to sleep till about 4:15 last night (this morning), and the strippers (tehe) came at 7:30. They were loud. They were very loud. I don't know whether they were stripping the roof or doing jumping jacks and relay races. Plus they were here for four hours. I really don't see why this is necessary. We have a rather small house, but what do I know, I haven't made a career out of stripping (tehe). Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep. I did sleep until 2:00 though, which left little time to do much of anything else today. I emptied one box though. Go me.

My second complaint has to do with what arrived in today's mail. I received a lovely red and white (why?!) jury summons. Poo on Uncle Sam. I've been reading 1984, and all I can think is "Big Brother is watching..." It's the day after the Dashboard concert, so at least I'll be in high spirits, right? Hopefully my number won't even be called, but if it is I'll try to answer all the questions as undesirably as possible. My mom told me that when she went in, she answered that she would feel uncomfortable doing a murder trial, and she was let go. I must do something like this :o)

In the midst of my boredom, I decided to take pictures of my jones soda bottle collection for the jones soda community on lj. While I had my digicam in hand, I kinda went nuts. If you feel the need, you can see the results of this. First of all, I have a couple pictures of Shady, the beautiful birthday girl. She likes to lay on my rainbow rug. Isn't it purdy? Too bad you can't see the abundance of cat fur that coats it. Next I have the aforementioned (in a previous entry) bag of Shady's shit on the back porch. Don't worry, you can't actually see the shit. Here's the disaster in the playroom that awaits me. Now you know why I am putting off emptying the boxes. This is what I refer to as the Wall O' Laura in our playroom. I guess I have proud parents or something. I find it amusing because it doesn't really match the motif of the playroom, aside from the pictures of my sister that line the wall next to mine. In case you were wondering, this is what a cluttered door looks like. And yes, that is a poster of Jewel before she turned into a whore. :::sigh::: As my dear friend Scott once said, "I remember when she used to use her talent AND boobs to sell music. Now it's just the boobs." Lastly, we have the sad remains of some sort of accident that involved my Ken doll. I don't know exactly what happened, but I pity the poor guy. You should too.

I think I'm about done now. Wish me luck as far as the jury duty goes. Ugh. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.