You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

The Strippers are Coming!
May 29, 2003 - 12:26 a.m.

Whoa, it's past midnight so it's the birthday of a billion people I know including my wonderful cat Shady whose shit I spoke about in the last entry. If that doesn't make you wanna read the entry, I don't know what will.

I had a job interview today, and it went fairly well. It was the first time I walked out of an interview not feeling like a dumbass. I have another interview on Tuesday, so hopefully one of these jobs will work out. Cross your fingers for me. If I don't have a job, I'm gonna have the most boring summer known to man, and I'll also be in debt to my parents because of car insurance. Eek. I'm starting to feel the not-having-a-job-since-last-summer. I need money. $116 would be nice too :::cough:::

Yesterday Claudia and I went to see the Matrix Reloaded again. It was the second time for both of us, and we both understood it a lot better. I still have a lot of looming questions though. I think I might go see it again with my dad. I always space out during the scene with the architect. Claudia and I were discussing it, and we both have a tendency to look at what's going on on all of the teevees instead of listening to what he's saying. Those damn things are really distracting. I don't know how Neo does it! Hum, I guess I'd be a little more focused if the fate of the human race rested in my hands and all...

My mom's having a new roof put on our house, and she keeps telling me that tomorrow morning "the strippers are coming". I can't help but giggle at this statement. I mean, really. And it doesn't help when she says, "the roof strippers" because really that just makes the show all the more interesting. Unfortunately, the arrival of the strippers (tehe) means I probably won't be getting much sleep tonight. Either that or I'll get a break for awhile and then go back to sleep. I dunno, I find it to be that once I'm up, I'm up for good. Hopefully they'll strip quickly. :::stifles giggles:::

Tomorrow I have to start emptying the boxes in the playroom. I'm not looking forward to that. My mom wants me to find the piece of paper that has how much of her money I've spent written on it so we can figure out if she owes me any. Do you know how difficult it will be to find one tiny slip of paper in about eight boxes?! I am not looking forward to this...

I'm such a dumbass, I originally wrote this entry without mentioning the fact that I finally met ezi today. We went and got ice cream, and she watched me try on shoes, which I'm sure is about as exciting as it sounds. She's really shy in person, but I was expecting that. She actually acts a lot like Jenny acts when she meets a new person. I just hafta break her in :::evil laugh::: Hmm, yeah, I don't think that laugh is helping.

I suppose I'm done. Yes, yes I am. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.