You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Angels and Devils
August 2, 2001 - 10:58 p.m.

Today was leader switch day, a day I had been waiting for ever since the idea was brought upon Ash st. I learned that the Patriots are angels, and my kids are devils. The Patriots tickled me, hugged me, and held my hand, when my kids wouldn't be caught dead touching me. Plus, they *listened* to me. They did what I told them to do! It was wonderous. I'm gonna have a terrible time going back to my group tomorrow, especially since it's Water Day. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids... we have some that would be as good as the Patriots if they weren't surrounded by the misbehaving type... but they will go absolutely crazy during Water Day.

I'm thinking of wearing my swimsuit as opposed to underwear because last year my undies were wet for like 5 hours after I got home. I'm also gonna wear a crappy pair of shorts cuz my khaki shorts STILL have a stain on them from last year. This year I come prepared. If Katie and Joey try to force me into the mud, I'll run right over, cuz I am not ending up with another scar on my foot, nor hives all over my legs from being dragged through grass.

The good news is (hopefully) all of the 7-9 year old groups will be together all day cuz four leaders aren't gonna be there, all of which lead 7-9 year old groups. For example, neither of the Patriots' leaders are gonna be there. This, of course, means spending the day with kids who will actually :::gasp::: touch me, in addition to my kids who think I'm the devil since I believe in a little concept called discipline. (I suppose it's only fair since I think they're devils too.) There are a lot worse leaders than me when it comes to discipline, and I'm only mean when they force me to be!

Wow, this entry is Ash-Street-a-rama. Sorry for all those who don't give a rat's ass about my job. I suppose those people have already stopped reading by now anyway. I wish I had something exciting in my life to type about, but I don't :o( Someone come make a difference in my life, and my diary will be more enjoyable :o)

Speaking of making my life more exciting, sign my guestbook... please. I beg of you. I feel so unloved. You wouldn't believe how often I check to see if musikalcat has any mail since that's where I get emails saying people signed my guestbook. It's been too long since my last signature, and I do believe that person was mocking me, and comparing me to teenyboppers (vomit). Thanx for labeling me, and judging my book (diary) by its cover. In the great words of Thumper, "If you can't say nothing nice, don't say nothing at all."

Lucky's feeling better, btw. We went to visit him tonight, and he was purring when I pet him, and didn't want me to stop scratching his ear. He's not eating yet, but he's peeing on his own, which is wonderful. You don't realize how much that helps his condition. He's still hooked up to an IV, and probably won't be going home until Saturday at the earliest :o(

Dammit, I had a quote, but I forgot it. Oh well, maybe next time. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.