You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Party with my Cat
April 7, 2001 - 12:30 p.m.

Wow, I've been 17 for a month now. Time flies. Before you know it, school will be over (I hope).

I just woke up, as sad is that may sound. It felt good to sleep in again. I didn't getta do it much in the last couple weeks.

Yesterday was ok.. I'd rather not dwell on school, cuz that's always the most boring part of my day. I doubt any of you wanna read about that.

After school I decided to read old entries. It was kinda an odd feeling. It's weird to see how much I've changed since I started writing in this thing. When I look back at summer now, I remember it as paradise. I had a perfect job with perfect people, and I liked Jeremy and he liked me. But in my entries, I seemed rather depressed at the time all this was going on. I guess it's one of those situations where you don't really appreciate something until it's over. I'll be sure to appreciate next summer while it's happening. I can't wait.

Around 6ish, I went to get Joe and we ate dinner at Red Robin. Holly was gonna come with us, but she wasn't home when we called. I had a yummy Chinese chicken salad. Then we went and visited Jenny at K.B. Joe was being a total dork and yelling at the employee door and yelling at people who walked by and said, "Toys 'R Us would have a better selection." He was all pissed cuz Jenny wouldn't get him an application to work there. Jenny told me this chick she works with thought Joe and I were bf and gf. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

I bought a cd at The Wherehouse. I didn't know Poe had a new cd, so when I saw it I was all excited. It was on sale for only 9 bucks too, I couldn't pass that up. But I didn't have enough money, so I had to write a check. It was the first time I had ever written a check in public, and I was all nervous cuz it takes forever and there were people waiting in line. My signature was all crappy and the line I wrote got all crooked near the end. Joe was making fun of me :o�

After Joe and I got bored at the mall, we came back to my house and listened to my cd while we waited for my mom to finish with the puter. We also watched some of my old dance videos.. just because. Later, Jenny came and we played Sims and went online.

My mom's being all weird about my curfew tonight. She only wants me out till one unless I'm going bowling with Jenny cuz she doesn't like the thought of two teenage girls roaming the streets of Newark that late. Well booger boogs. What a pain. She said it would be different if we had gone to prom and we were with a big group of people.

I don't have any plans for today until tonight. I think I'll try to do some hw and play some Sims. Sounds like a plan. I have the house all to myself. PAR-TAE! Or not.. Jenny hasta work and everyone else is getting ready for prom :o� I guess I'll just party with my cat.

I think I'm quite finished now. I need to take a shower and eat some food. I feel like a slob. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.