You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Ruined Weekend and Success
July 28, 2002 - 11:45 p.m.

Howdy. Wanna know the perfect way to ruin a weekend? The answer would be to get a migraine headache. Yup, that'll do it. My migraine started Friday night. It was just a tiny thing, which is why I was able to type an entry and chat that night. When I woke up the next morning, though, it was a full-fledged migraine. It wasn't just the piercing pain above the eye, either, it was all over. I just wanted to chop my fucking head off. Not only was it painful, but I couldn't stand up for more than 30 seconds without feeling like I was gonna pass out. Plus, here's the clencher... the damn migraine was over 29 hours long. For those of you who suck at math, that is a full day, plus at least 5 more hours. It sucked so much, especially since I had plans to go to my grandparents' house and say bye to my aunt who is now on a plane to Malaysia (where she lives). I won't be seeing her for a year probably. So poo. I was also supposed to get a hair cut, but we had to reschedule. Pooooo. Do you know how much it sucks when all you can do is just lie in bed and cuddle with your cat (only when your cat wants to cuddle)? I really coulda used a tolerant guy then.. but oh well.. such is life.

Enough of the pity party. I'm gonna be sweet. Hi Kelby.

Today I was determined to make sure my weekend wasn't wasted completely, but I got up early (my back hurt from laying down so much) and I knew I had no one to hang out with. Jenny was going to meet her roommates and Joe was at a family reunion thingy. I dled five Dashboard songs (preparing for the concert), and then when my mom got home from the art and wine festival she surprised me with a proposal to go shopping. Woooooooo hoooo. My did I spend a pretty penny today. I bought a stereo (which is soooo wonderful in every way... 5 cd player... great sound... ahhh) and a cd tower. I had been looking for one for awhile cuz I have a lot of cd's and most cd towers are for hardly any. We also bought a backpack, laundry basket, and other unexciting necessary stuff. It was a very successful shopping excursion, and I got a lot of stuff crossed off my list of stuff to do before college. I'm getting ready, man, three weeks from today and it's time to unleash the whole new Laura.

I'm actually getting used to typing with this keyboard. The touchpad, however, is another story. I'm working on it though. All in due time.

Do you ever find yourself becoming jealous over someone paying attention to someone else even though you don't really wanna be with that person? I mean, there are feelings, but not to the point where you should be jealous. Yeah, it makes you feel kinda selfish. Sucks.

Since I was lucky enough to be linked in this diary, I will link to it. It's a comic, and it's cool, so you should read it. It's word of mouth, not mtv. That was not meant to be understood by most, btw.

Not much else to say right now. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.