You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

You'll See ME on Teevee in a Year!
July 30, 2003 - 11:45 p.m.

For the next two days in a row, I hafta be at work at 9. That means I hafta wake up at 7:30. That means I have to be awake in less than eight hours, and I am showing no sign of being tired because I woke up at noon today. Anyone wanna take bets on the lack of hours of sleep I'll get tonight? C'mon, it'll be fun times for all.

Today I went to the park with ezi and Damian. I got sunburnt. I've hung out with ezi three times and gotten sunburnt two of them. Oh yeah, and the third one we were indoors. Hmmmm. Indoor activities only from here on out! ezi actually talked to me more this time, and I didn't feel like a total dumbass for talking to myself all the time. yay! Damian was very possessive of every piece of (weird-ass) play equipment and ezi. At one point I was talking to ezi, he started yelling, walked over, and hit me. Hmph! Good thing he doesn't hit hard. He also gave me a fake smile at one point. I think he picked up on my sarcastic nature. Almost-two-year-olds are smart like that.

I put the new Yellowcard cd in my car and listened to it on the way to San Jose and on the way back. I'm gonna listen to it and only it in the car until I go to the show on the 21st. I'm really starting to love this cd. At first I didn't see why everyone was praising it so much, but the more I listen to it the more I like it. I think it just had to grow on me. Like purdy much everyone it seems, I really like the song Believe. I'm also a fan of View from Heaven, Breathing, and Way Away. I think the lyrics on this cd are a little more generic than One for the Kids, and that cd still remains my favorite of the Yellowcard persuasion, but this cd is definitely worthy of the continuous play it will be getting in my car.

Tonight my favorite cast member of Big Brother was kicked out of the house. (Yes I do watch trash teevee. Don't pretend you don't. And if you really truly don't, you're too good to be reading my diary anyway.) I am very sad about this because he was the comedy relief, and I'm afraid the show will just be boring without him. I'll miss you Dave, dear. Also, I'm very pissed off that Alison got HOH. She should have been gone this week, but she has Nathan whipped :::sigh::: I hope her boyfriend dumps her for making out with him and (as I've heard from live feed spoilers) Dave while on the show. Also, Jun needs to go.

I apologize for that paragraph. I shouldn't write about trash teevee too much more in here. I am just very upset about Dave's exit. However, I'm considering auditioning for Big Brother next year. I realize that this might cut into the beginning of the school year, but in the slight chance that I actually get on the show, I think I can work it so I get kicked out before the school year starts. I wouldn't be in it for the money, of course, just my fifteen minutes of fame and the chance to be the witty person like Will and Dave. I would enjoy the experience of playing with people's minds and then talking shit in the diary room. Fun stuff, man. Joe says I'm bitchy enough to get on that show. I don't know whether to be flattered or offended. Anypoo, I've always wanted to be on the Real World, but I think I'd do better in a house with a game going on cuz then I have a reason to be a bitch, right? Or something.

Wow, this entry turned into crap. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.