You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

May Adventures
May 1, 2003 - 4:18 p.m.

And a happy May to you.

May means a couple things to me. First of all, most importantly, May means the end of life at this hell hole of a school. Hallelujah. Three more weeks and I'm free. Secondly, May means I get to change my belly button ring. It will be exactly six months on the tenth, and that's when Jenny and I should have a nice little adventure with pliers. Something tells me it will be highly entertaining. (No we're not gonna ply the thing out of my navel.. we're gonna use the pliers to twist the ball off.) Lastly, May means it's been a month since Charlie broke up with me. Well, on the fourth it will be. That's crazy. I guess I'll write more about that on the actual date though. You know I like to be all sentimental like that.

Why do I insist on eating Nerds when they give me tummy aches, scratch the roof of my mouth, and make my canker sore bigger? Why?!

Today Jenny and I took another spur-of-the-moment trip. To Santa Cruz. I bet you thought I was gonna say Salinas, huh?! Ha! We CAN be spontaneous. It was quite enjoyable. There's nothing quite like driving down highway one and nanananaing with Hey Jude. Our trip was somewhat successful too. We bought stuff, but didn't spend too too much money, which is always a plus. I bought three buttons, a ring, and some beads. Ah, beads, what satisfaction you bring me.

Did I not write about our trip to Salinas on Tuesday? Well we went on Tuesday again. We're crazy, I know. I bought two shirts at Wet Seal for $15. I think it was the first time I had ever stepped foot into a Wet Seal before. It was all I could do not to laugh when the chick asked me if I had a discount card. You can view one of the shirts I purchased by clicking the cam link at left. Wee.

This weekend is gonna be eventful.. kinda. I hafta do the damn collage for ASL that I've hardly started. I think I'll work on it a lot tonight. I tend to get easily bored on Thursdays after Will and Grace ends because my roommates are both gone, and I can stay up late since I don't have class on Fridays. I hope I can find enough stuff to fill the huge poster board I bought. Ugh. What was I thinking?! Anypoo, I do hafta get up semi-early (noon) on Friday cuz I have a dress rehearsal for the choir concert at 2. Theeeeen on Sunday I have the concert. My parents and my aunt are coming. It should be quite an event. We're all gonna go out to eat too. Yay for no dorm food. Oh, and my mom said the Cake shirt I bought online arrived this week, so she's gonna bring it. Yay Cake!

Last night I was exchanging pictures with my friend Jordan, so I had my IM window maximized. Well I guess I had it maximized for a little too long cuz aim decided it really liked it that way, and now it's stuck like that. If I click the restore button it doesn't do anything. I thought maybe closing the program and/or turning off the puter would help, but no. I think I may hafta reinstall aim. What a pain in the ass. Whenever anyone IM's me it's like BAM! Talk to me, bitch! I traded pictures with ezi one night for like an hour and nothing like that happened! Ugh!

That's all I hafta say about that. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.