You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Picture Editing EXPERT
April 29, 2003 - 3:24 p.m.

Once again I have slacked off and not written an entry in a couple days. And to that I say oh well.

Right now I am currently avoiding doing research for my hcom negotiation. I'm meeting my group in a mere hour and a half, and I really don't have any new information to offer. (Note: when I first typed this sentence I typed, "I'm meating my group..." which sounds, in a word, gruesome.) I think I'll go over some stuff that was given to me yesterday and hope that's enough. I'm only involved in a tiny part of the negotiation, since I have the role of chancellor, and I get to mediate the rest of it. That should be fun. And it should also mean I don't have much preparation to do. Double bonus.

Last night I emailed pictures to my grandma from her 80th birthday celebration. She really liked one picture that was of all the family members who attended, but she said it was too big for her to print. I offered to make it smaller, and she acted like I was a computer master. It still wasn't small enough the first time I edited it, so I tried again, and it was a good printing size. She was then upset because it printed too dark, so I adjusted the brightness, and I think that's when I crossed into absolute genius territory as far as she was concerned. She attempted to print the picture yet again, but my cousin and I were cut off. She then signed off to read the owner's manual for her printer to find out how to print landscape. She came back a half hour later to tell me she figured it out, but she needed to get special picture paper because of the printing quality. Overall, I think she spent about three hours trying to print the damn picture. That lady sure loves her family photos.

My tummy's been weird lately for no apparent reason. My period's also been pissing me off and making me terribly emotional when I was finally making progress in the healing area. BAH! But you don't wanna hear about my yucky body problems, I'm sure.

Yesterday I called Newark to see what job they offered me, and it was a job I didn't want. I musta really fucked up that interview. Word of advice from Laura: Never interview for a job only a week after you've had your heart completely broken, m'kay? Yeah, so I turned down the job. Now I don't even have a backup. Ugh. I guess I must resort to plan apply-my-ass-off-when-I-get-home-from-school. I can hardly wait (blech).

I guess I should start reading my hcom notes now. :::sigh::: Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.