You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Reloaded Begging
May 15, 2003 - 7:16 p.m.

Note: This entry includes my review of The Matrix Reloaded. I don't plan on giving away any important elements of the movie, but if you haven't seen it and you're one of those people who can't hear anything about a movie before you see it, beware.

Ah yes, it was good. It was very very good. At the beginning I thought they were just having special effects to have special effects, but as the plot unfolded I found myself getting into them more. The ending was confusing, and I hafta see it a few more times to totally understand. I think they were trying to cram too much information into the last half hour so. It doesn't help that I had a huge headache by that point. It had started when we were waiting outside the theater at 7, and it just got progressively worse. It did not impair the greatness that was the movie though. Mmmm.... I want some orgasm cake. Oh, and my favorite line: it is like wiping my ass with silk.

I, of course, was too excited to get to bed at a decent hour, so I took my math final complete with sleep deprivation. It wasn't too bad, but I know I fucked up a couple problems. I'm not that worried about it though cuz I have a decent grade in the class.

Jenny and I took yet another spur-of-the-moment trip to Salinas today. I spent waaaaaaaay too much money. I bought four buttons, a shirt (Jenny bought a matching one in a different color.. we're dorks), three pairs of underwear, and a wire art jewelry kit from KB. That means I have colored wire now. Oh yes, I do.

When I went to Target a few days ago they didn't have the shampoop I usually use, so I got some Dove bodifying shampoop instead. I used it for the first time today, and I'm starting to think I like it more than my other shampoop. It makes my hair look better, but I hafta wait till night time to see if it stays that way. Most shampoops look good at first but result in the usual oily greasy blech hair. I like the way my old shampoop smells better, but this one isn't bad. We shall see.

Today I left my jacket at the dc and didn't realize it until dinner time. Jenny and I ate at the obc, but we stopped by the dc so she could get some milk and I could ask about my jacket. One of the employees had, in fact, found it, and in order to get it I had to go into the back where the kitchen is. It was quite weird. I felt like I was stepping where no student had ever set foot before. I retrieved my jacket, though, and it now happily sits in its place on the back of my puter chair.

No one wants to see Dashboard with me. It upsets me a lot. I'm gonna try to convince my mom to let me go alone, but I dunno how likely it is that she'll go for it. Jenny and I were gonna try to get tickets to see Jason Mraz and Chantal Kreviazuk a week from Tuesday, but it's already sold out. I'm really upset about that too. Do you see this people?!?!?! Cheer me up and agree to see Dashboard with me before those tickets sell out too! GAH!


Ok, I'm done begging. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.