You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

A Belated New Years Entry
January 4, 2003 - 1:04 p.m.

Wow, it sure has been awhile, hasn't it? How many people wait till the fourth day of the new year to write their new years entry? Apparently just me. I had good reasoning though.

I spent the last five days at Charlie's house! Weeeeee!

I can't possibly describe everything that happened in San Diego, but I don't think you wanna hear all of it anyway. In a nutshell, it was by far the best week of my life. I only met one more of Charlie's friends, but I don't really mind because I enjoyed everyone moment spent with him. And now we know we can stand each other (and love each other even more) if we spend five days together.

My new years was spent at Charlie's friend's girlfriend's house ringing in the new year with two other couples, six bottles of sparkling cider, and chinese food. It was great because I got the honor of being Charlie's first new years kiss :o)

I guess I hafta do the traditional covering of the resolutions now. Last year I had three resolutions. Well one of them was a three-in-one, so it's actually five, but whatever. Fiiiiirst I said, "Exercise more (so I don't get as bad of cramps)." Yeah, that didn't happen. I did get on birth control to help the cramps though. Is that justifiable? I really do need to exercise more.... Next, I said, "Get bigger balls when it comes to approaching guys (hopefully this will lead to actually getting a guy)." Well, the bigger balls didn't happen, but I did get the most perfectist boyfriend in the world, so I'm most certainly happy :o) Finally, the big one was, "My music resolutions: a) listen to more music, b) try to be more confident about singing (i.e. try harder to get a solo in choir), and c) go to more concerts." a) yes yes, much thanx to Charlie. b) eh, never got a solo in choir. I dunno about the confidence either... we'll see when I have choir next semester. c)I went to one more concert.. and it was the best concert I had been to. Does that work? I'm hoping to be able to see Something Corporate and Juliana Theory on the 20th, but that all depends on if Charlie can convince his parents to let him drive up here. We shall see.

Hmm... should I even make resolutions this year? I don't seem to keep them very well. Oh well, here're a couple:

~Exercise more (I'm gonna keep putting this till I actually do it)

~Become more aware about what's going on in the world... Y'know, maybe read a paper every once in awhile. But I hafta be careful about what I read cuz the media sucks.

~Make friends, dammit. And don't forget who I am in the process. I don't drink, and while this may make me a loser in college, I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not.

~Be better about archiving entries in this thing. I haven't updated my archives in months.

~Be happy. This is hard sometimes with a boyfriend who lives so far away and virtually no social life, but I just hafta keep reminding myself that I'm a good person and I know what I wanna do with my life, so the stupidity of college life shouldn't bring me down.

~Be the best girlfriend I can be for Charlie :o)

Well I'm gonna go work on that archive one now. Ugh. I hate archiving. When you have over 600 entries the clicking gets so tiresome. I hope everyone is having a great new year! Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.