You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

July 25, 2002 - 12:00 a.m.

Hey howdy hey. I'm quite sorry I didn't write yesterday, but I had good reason. I GOT MY LAPTOP!!!!!!!!!!! Weeeeee.. I'm so excited. So far, I've played a lot of Survivor and a lot of Sims. I made a house on the sims with myself and my roommates from college (who I still have yet to speak to). The roommates have jobs, but I don't, so I go downtown a lot, and I'm dating this guy named Kenny. Ooooo. Wouldn't that be weird if I met a guy named Kenny when I moved into the dorm?

Aaaaaannyfuck, I almost didn't even write this entry because of the damn laptop. It's taking up all my spare time! I still am having problems with the touchpad and the cramped keyboard, but I'll get used to it all in due time. I was just using the software that came with the laptop to edit pictures I took with my digicam. The software is a lot cooler than the stuff that came with the camera, and I was having way too much fun "covering up blemishes". That can be really tempting, but I'm gonna try to be honest to my zits when I edit pictures, no matter how much I hate them. I'm not the airbrushing type. I can even get rid of my lip freckle with that thing. Ah, the wonders of technology.

Tomorrow is leader switch day at work, and I'm excited. I'm working with the rabbits, which is a 5-6 year old group. I figure we'll spend most of the day on the playground, and that means relaxation to me. There's already one little girl in the group who loves me, so I have that to look forward to. I've got a cheer all planned, and I'm ready. I'm not so sure about the trouble makers in that group though. I'm not used to dealing with kids that young, but I think I'll adjust. It's just one day afterall. Joe has my group, and I was giving him all kindsa pointers tonight when he and Holly came over to watch Big Brother. I hope my kids don't give him too much hell. I'm really looking forward to the different environment cuz lately the tedious schedule has been driving me crazy. Time just flies by. Today I was really exhausted too. I think it might have been period related, but I'm really feeling the change, even if it just for a day.

I have yet another canker sore, and it's pissing me off. I didn't used to get them this big this often. What the hell is wrong with me? Canker sores, go away.

In order to keep myself from playing more sims, I'm gonna leave both puters now and read some of the real world book before I go to bed. Thanx to all those who wished me a happy anniversary at diaryland, and for those who didn't, you still can! Hehe. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.