You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Jobs 'n' Stuff
April 11, 2003 - 3:07 p.m.

I haven't written in awhile mainly cuz little poopy things that I didn't wanna talk about happened.

First, Charlie said he wanted space, so I'm trying ever-so-hard not to IM him. I removed him from my buddylist so his sn won't haunt me, but I still keep locating him anyway. I seem to be doing ok without him though.

Yesterday was a really shitty day. I woke up at 7:15 with the beginning of a migraine, so I called my mom in a panic. I slept till 11:30, and the headache was gone, but yeah, I ditched another class. I hadn't ditched a single class since I'd been at this school until this week. You don't hafta be too good at putting two and two together in order to figure out why THAT happened.

I drove home and had the stupid interview with Newark. I wasn't in the right mood, and I think I said some stupid things. I always think I say stupid things though, so who knows. It wasn't a pleasant experience anyway. I really don't think I want a job with Newark this summer.. I'm sick of Newark people in general. I'm ready for a fresh start with new people through Fremont Recreation. Oh yeah, I didn't have the opportunity to write that I got an interview there. It's two weeks from today, and I'm interviewing for two different jobs. She ran through the descriptions rather quickly, so I don't remember details very well, but one of them is a two week camp followed by working at a dance camp or something. Another one involves a three day trip to Disneyland for which I'd hafta get a class B license so I could drive a buncha kids. I dunno about chaperoning children to the happiest place on earth because when children get happy, children have to pee. A lot. At an amusement park. Ack. I dunno, though, I'm ready to try something new, and anything's better than Newark.

Last night I slept over twelve hours. I guess what I needed was to sleep in my good ol' familiar comfy bed at home. I didn't get up till 1:15, and since it takes me awhile to get my butt in gear, I had to abandon my original plan of getting a turkey avocado sammich at Togo's. Poop. They don't have Togo's in Monterey. If I went now, though, I wouldn't be hungry for dinner which we usually eat rather early since we go out on Fridays. Speaking of which, I think I'll vote for Chevy's tonight.

I have a slight headache. I need to change the first category on the three things I have down there, so I think I'll do that now. Then I'll take some motrin and lie down. Sounds like a plan. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.