You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Road to Recovery
April 8, 2003 - 5:55 p.m.

I'm doing somewhat better now. I realized that all my physical problems yesterday were psychological, and I told myself last night that wouldn't happen to me today. Luckily, that worked. I think I was letting myself get worked up to the point of being ill just cuz I was so wrapped up in self pity. I suddenly thought hey, I don't wanna be unhappy, so I need to do whatever is possible for that to go away, and one of those things would be to psychologically prepare myself to be happy.

Today feels extremely like a Thursday. I dunno if this hasta do with how I've been taking things one day at a time or what, but even when I woke up it felt like it should be later in the week. My self defense class was cancelled, so that just added to the Thursday feeling. Plus, I went to cannery row to buy my grandma a birthday present, and Jenny and I once did that on a Thursday. Ugh. You can probably imagine my disappointment when I remembered I have homework due tomorrow. I've done most of it.. I just need to tweak an essay I wrote a bit and print it. No problem. When I first remembered, though, I got this wave of frustration, unmotivation, and somewhat depression. I had to lay down for a second and give myself a pep think, so to speak. My sister told me that having my heart broken would help me learn a lot about myself, and by golly, it has.

Jenny's feeling poopy, so everyone send her some lovin'. She has a tummy flu. I brought her some sprite today, and then after I went to cannery row I stopped by Target to pick up some random stuff I needed. I also bought her two more bottles of sprite, a box of ritz, and a stuffed animal. She was calling me mommy, which she likes to do sometimes when I.. um.. mother her. Imagine that!

I just ate a whole taco.. that is quite an accomplishment for me lately. I'm very proud of myself.

Tomorrow's gonna be hard.. it would have been our six month anniversary. I'm getting by ok right now, so hopefully I can maintain my good fortune then. I haven't cried yet today. Yesterday I first cried at 6:15, so after 11 minutes I can say I broke my record. Don't anybody IM me and tell me about kittens dying or anything now... that would just be horribly wrong of you.

It seems as though I'm gaining back my diary writing sense of humor, and I even wrote an entire paragraph without referring to the break up, right? I think so. Well, I guess I'm on the road to recovery. Ta! ~BOB

P.S. I just wanted to add that before I proofread this entry, the "unmotivation" a couple paragraphs into the entry was typed as "bunmotivation". That amuses me. If anyone names an exercise video Bunmotivation now, they sure as hell better give me some credit.

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.