You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Job Job Job Job JOB!
February 20, 2003 - 9:47 p.m.

I slacked again, I'm sorry. Ugh.

Well, for those of you who were wondering, I didn't get the job at Gymboree. When I called, the chick who answered said, "well you should have been told that if you didn't get a call then you didn't get the job because the position has been filled." I thought she coulda put it in nicer terms. She kinda gave me a snobby vibe anyway. I liked the girl I had the second interview with, but not the first one.

The good news, however, is the fact that Hallmark called me today for an interview. Woo hoo! When I applied they weren't hiring, but apparently they are now. The interview isn't for a week and half, but I'm excited. I'm not getting my hopes up too much though. I hafta go home practically every weekend in March (for my birthday, spring break, interview for my summer job), and then I'm leaving the area for good in May. I dunno if they're gonna wanna hire me with all that, but I DO have Hallmark experience.

Also related to the idea of work, I'm thinking of doing something different this summer, especially if Laurie is gonna be the coordinater at Ash again. I'd like to be a counselor at one of those camps where you actually spend the night in cabins with the kids and stuff. I think that would be fun. I doubt I'd be able to talk to Charlie much, though, so that's holding me back. Most of the places I've found while searching online require you to be trained in first aid and CPR. I'm not. I'm sure I can take a class for it, but yeah, that's another drawback. That would be a huge responsibility, and I have the whole week vacation in Hawaii to consider too. I dunno, it's something to think about.

Today Jenny and I walked around the lake in Monterey and went to the Dennis the Menace park. That place is so damn cool. I hafta take Charlie there when he comes to visit. We went in this huge thing where you can climb up really high and you end up in a bird nest type thing. I know this is a terrilbe description, but bear with me. That part doesn't matter anyway. Yeah, so we went all the way to the top, and wow it was high up there. I don't consider myself a person with a fear of heights, but I was a bit shakey. Anypoo, I got down ok, but it was funny cuz this boy who was climbing around near us when we were in the bird nest thingy climbed in when we climbed out. I was like, "You were just waiting for us to leave, weren't you?" And he said, "Yup." Hehe.

Yup, still addicted to the Sims. That settles that.

I hafta give a speech in my hcom class on Monday. It hasta be a persuasive speech with certain elements, but we can talk about anything we want. I'm gonna convince the class to adopt a cat. Why is it that whenever I can do a project on anything in a class, I always choose cats? I suppose that was a stupid question.

Well I'm off to get ready for bed and then play more sims till I can talk to Charlie. Two weeks till he'll be here and I don't hafta wait to talk to him. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Buh bye now. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.