You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

I Wanna Tell Someone Off
June 8, 2003 - 12:45 a.m.

Hey howdy hey. Look... I'm writing an entry when I wrote one yesterday! There goes everything I preached in the last entry...

Today was all kindsa fun. I was woken up by my mom and hurried to get ready to go to the movies. We went to see Bruce Almighty, and it was mighty good. Everyone I know who had seen it said it got cheesy near the end, but I being the recently-broken-hearted sap that I am started crying ::sigh:: Pathetic, I know. I could just relate too too much. My parents enjoyed it too. For dinner we went to Uncle Chong's, and I saw a guy I had a crush on in high school there. Poop. Have I mentioned I hate seeing people from high school? Well I do. The food was good though. I chose a random chicken dish for us, and it was really yummy. My mom was very proud of me. I think my dad didn't like it as much as us cuz it was too sweet for him, but that's fine by me cuz it means I'll get the leftovers ;o)

At ten, Jenny and I decided to go bowling. We wanted to invite Clau, but she wasn't online, and we were afraid to call her house so late. We tried her old cell phone number, but it didn't work. We drove by her house and saw that her car was gone anyway. The price of bowling has gone up! $4 for shoes and $4.50 per game! That's craziness! We only played one game, and Jenny kicked my ass mercilessly. She got 130-something, and I got 78. I called her a ho every time she got a strike or spare. No, I'm not a sore loser. There was a couple next to us (blech) who was being all affectionate, and the chick kept staring at us! She looked like seventeen, and her boyfriend was drinking beer. Damn pediphiles who date girls with staring problems. We thought maybe she thought we were lesbians, so I put my arm around Jenny and sang along when Tatu came on. Claudia would be proud that I knew the lyrics. I wanted to go over and confront the girl cuz nothing exciting ever happens in these parts, but Jenny was against the idea. I was looking forward to saying something like, "You got a staring problem, biatch!" but as Jenny said, I'd probably start laughing right away. Oh well.

There's nothing to do in suburbia at night time. This area is so boring! Aaaaaaah!

Oh, I have a guilty confession to make. You know how yesterday I was saying I wanted to play some Oregon Trail? Well I quickly found out it wasn't gonna be available to dl online, so I went to ebay. I made my first ebay purchase in my seven years of being addicted to the internet on an old version of the Oregon Trail. I am an honest-to-goodness 100% LOSER. You may all point and laugh while I hang my head in shame. And once I get my damn cool game that I only paid $7.90 total for (including shipping!), YOU will be put in my wagon that I watch starve to death. Then who will be laughing? Huh? Huh? Yeah, that's what I thought. Minimal rations for you and the girl with the staring problem, I say.

I don't wanna see Dumb and Dumberer now that I know Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels aren't in it. I mean what the poo? It's gonna be crap. Nobody else can be Jim Carrey like Jim Carrey can be Jim Carrey. Believe me, I know. My dad tries after every damn Jim Carrey movie we see.

On that note, in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight ;o) Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.