You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Successful Homework Day
February 11, 2001 - 11:14:09 PM

Today was purdy good for a Homework Day. Notice how I capitalize that. It's cuz Homework Days are often celebrated in my life.. unfortunately. I suppose they deserve the recognition.

It smells weird in here. Like some kinda cleaner you get a headache from smelling for too long. I hope I'm just imagining it cuz I don't like headaches. Then again, who does?

I slept till 12:30. That's quite amazing considering my mom usually wakes me up at noon.. if I'm lucky. Most of the time it's 11:30. She did, in fact, wake me up at noon, but Lucky came in and hopped on my back, so I was like ah, shucks, I can't move. I fell back asleep for a half hour.

I had a Krispy Kreme donut for breakfast. Ok, I'm not gonna go over the whole day in this much detail, but I like Krispy Kreme donuts, and I thought they deserved to be mentioned. Plus, I like food. I had left over pizza and Chinese for lunch. Yuummmmm.

It took me awhile to get started on my hw as usual, but I finally started around 4. Usually I set tentative goals and real goals for myself. For instance, I'd like to finish through chapter four, but if I only get to chapter two it's ok. My real goal was to finish my history hw and start my math hw. My tentative goal was to also finish my math and do the stuff I missed last week. I actually finished my tentative goal! Go me! I was motivated, it felt great. I think a lot of getting so much done had to do with the fact that I was listening to music while I was doing it. I listened to Foo Fighters, Nickleback, and Creed on random. After those three finished, I listened to Three Doors Down, then about half of Natalie Imbruglia's cd. I think I killed my vocal chords. I threw in the Natalie Imbruglia cuz I was singing with guys so much, I needed some higher notes, y'know? That kinda music will kill a soprano's voice.

My mom and I went to the new Popeye's for dinner to check it out. There was a kinda cute guy working there. The food was purdy good. I think we will be returning to Popeye's.

My mom went shopping today. She bought a new puter chair. We really needed one badly. The old one was fading in the ass area and there was a needle that popped up near the corner. I was the only person stupid enough to cut myself on it, which I happened to do about three times. this one's comfy and it doesn't hurt my back. Yay!

Wow, I just wrote a paragraph about a chair. I really can write about anything.

The top of my mouth hurts from all the candy I've eaten lately. I bought a bunch at the Sweet Factory yesterday in SF.

Claudia just had me take this quiz about her and I only got 30 points. Now I hafta make one she will flunk.

Off to make the quiz now.. ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.