You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

I'm Home and I'm Busy
December 22, 2002 - 12:38 p.m.

Howdy. I have been slacking off, diary of mine, I know. It's not a bad thing though, believe me. I've actually been enjoying life and being busy the last couple days. Thursday I came home amidst the pooring rain. I had to take six trips to my car to get all the stuff packed, and I was a drowned rat for about five hours straight. That definitely was not a fun experience. But getting home was worth it. I was greeted by my kitty cat and presents under the tree, and all was dandy.

Friday it took me awhile to get my butt in gear, but when I did I went shopping for an hour. Then I went out to eat with my parents at Elephant Bar and got some more shopping done afterwards.

Yesterday Jennifa and I went to Berkeley. We had a mighty good time. I was so successful in the present buying area that I can count the number of people I still hafta buy for on one hand. That's purdy impressive considering what I started off with! And what I have bought has been gifts that I'm quite proud of finding, too, so I'm feeling good in that area.

Don't even ask me about the college search though.

Anyfuck, today I'm planning on unpacking. I've been so busy since I got here I haven't gotten the opportunity to unload everything that I spent so much time trying not to get wet. It's kinda sucked living out of a duffle bag, but hey, my pants are always in a duffle bag at school due to lack of drawer space. It wasn't too much of a change. Yeah, I still hate it though. In addition to unpacking, I hafta hook up my stereo and stuff, so it should be quite a long process. If I have time afterwards, I'll do some more shopping tonight. Laura the good gift giver will come through, oh yes she will.

Well I just heard my mom turn off her shower, so I should prolly take mine soon and get a move on. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.